Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 6.djvu/318

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110 STAT. 4140 PUBLIC LAW 104-333 —NOV. 12, 1996 (6) "KNA" mesins the Kenai Natives Association, Inc., an urban corporation incorporated in the State of Alaska pursuant to the terms of ANCSA; (7) "lands" means any lands, waters, or interests therein; (8) "Refuge" means the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge; (9) "Secretary" mesins the Secretary of the Interior; (10) "Service" means the United States Fish and Wildlife Service; and (11) 'Terms and Conditions" means the Terms and Conditions for Land Consolidation and Management in the Cook Inlet Area, as clarified on August 31, 1976, ratified by section 12 of Public Law 94-204 (43 U.S.C. 1611 note). (d) ACQUISITION OF LANDS. — (1) OFFER TO KNA.— (A) IN GENERAL.— Subject to the availability of the funds identified in paragraph (2)(C), no later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary shall offer to convey to KNA the interests in land and rights set forth in paragraph (2)(B), subject to valid existing rights, in return for the conveyance by KNA to the United States of the interests in land or relinquishment of ANCSA selections set forth in paragraph (2)(A). Pajonent for the lands conveyed to the United States by KNA is contingent upon KNA's acceptance of the entire conveyance outlined herein. (B) LIMITATION. — The Secretary may not convey any lands or make payment to KNA under this section unless title to the lands to be conveyed by KNA under this section has been found by the United States to be sufficient in accordance with the provisions of section 355 of the Revised Statutes (40 U.S.C. 255). (2) ACQUISITION LANDS. — (A) LANDS TO BE CONVEYED TO THE UNITED STATES.— The lands to be conveyed by KNA to the United States, or the valid selection rights under ANCSA to be relinquished, all situated within the boundary of the Refuge, are the following: (i) The conveyance of approximately 803 acres located along and on islands within the Kenai River, known as the Stephanka Tract. (ii) The conveyance of approximately 1,243 acres located along the Moose River, known as the Moose River Patented Lands Tract. (iii) The relinquishment of KNA's selection known as the Moose River Selected Tract, containing approximately 753 acres located along the Moose River. (iv) The relinquishment of KNA's remaining ANCSA entitlement of approximately 454 acres. (v) The relinquishment of all KNA's remaining overselections. Upon completion of all relinquishments outlined above, all KNA's entitlement shall be deemed to be extinguished and the completion of this acquisition will satisfy all of KNA's ANCSA entitlement. (vi) The conveyance of an access easement providing the United States and its assigns access across KNA's surface estate in the SWy4 of section 21, T. 6 N., R. 9 W., Seward Meridian, Alaska.