Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 6.djvu/409

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PUBLIC LAW 104-333—NOV. 12, 1996 110 STAT. 4231 high tide, including the 95 acres described in subsection (a), as an addition to the Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge is hereby made permanent. SEC. 1028. UMPQUA RIVER LAND EXCHANGE STUDY: POLICY AND DIRECTION. (a) IN GENERAL. — The Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture (Secretaries) are hereby authorized and directed to consult, coordinate and cooperate with the Umpqua Land Exchange Project (ULEP), affected units and agencies of State and local government, and, as appropriate, the World Forestry Center and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, to assist ULEP's ongoing efforts in studying and analyzing land exchange opportunities in the Umpqua River basin and to provide scientific, technical, research, mapping and other assistance and information to such entities. Such consultation, coordination and cooperation shall at a minimum include, but not be limited to— (1) working with ULEP to develop or assemble comprehensive scientific and other information (including comprehensive and integrated mapping) concerning the Umpqua River basin's resources of forest, plants, wildlife, fisheries (anadromous and other), recreational opportunities, wetlands, riparian habitat and other physicsJ or natural resources; (2) working with ULEP to identify general or specific areas within the basin where land exchanges could promote consolidation of forestland ownership for long-term, sustained timber production; protection and restoration of habitat for plants, fish and wildlife (including any federally listed threatened or endangered species); protection of drinking water supplies; recovery of threatened and endsmgered species; protection and restoration of wetlands, riparian lands and other environmentally sensitive areas; consolidation of land ownership for improved public access and a broad array of recreational uses; and consolidation of land ownership to achieve management efficiency and reduced costs of administration; and (3) developing a joint report for submission to the Congress Reports, which discusses land exchange opportunities in the basin and outlines either a specific land exchange proposal or proposals which may merit consideration by the Secretaries or the Congress, or ideas and recommendations for new authorizations, direction, or changes in existing law or policy to expedite and facilitate the consummation of beneficial land exchanges in the basin viadministrative means. (b) MATTERS FOR SPECIFIC STUDY. — In analyzing land exchange opportunities with ULEP, the Secretaries shall give priority to assisting ULEP's ongoing efforts in: (1) studying, identifying, and mapping areas where the consolidation of land ownership via land exchanges could promote the goals of long term species and watershed protection and utilization, including but not limited to the goals of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 more effectively than current land ownership patterns and whether any changes in law or policy applicable to such lands after consummation of an exchange would be advisable or necessary to achieve such goals; (2) studying, identifying and mapping areas where land exchanges might be utilized to better satisfy the goals of sustainable timber harvest, including studying whether changes