Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 1.djvu/249

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PUBLIC LAW 105-20-^JUNE 27, 1997 111 STAT. 225 "(6)(A) Substance abuse is a preventable behavior and a treatable disease; and " (B)(i) during the 13-year period beginning with 1979, monthly use of illegal drugs among youth 12 to 17 years of age declined by over 70 percent; and "(ii) data suggests that if parents would simply talk to their children regularly about the dangers of substance abuse, use among youth could be expected to decline by as much as 30 percent. "(7) Community anti-drug coalitions throughout the United States are successfully developing and implementing comprehensive, long-term strategies to reduce substance abuse among youth on a sustained basis. "(8) Intergovernmental cooperation and coordination through national. State, and local or tribal leadership and partnerships are critical to facilitate the reduction of substance abuse among youth in communities throughout the United States. "SEC. 1022. PURPOSES. 21 USC 1522. 'The purposes of this chapter are— "(1) to reduce substance abuse among youth in communities throughout the United States, and over time, to reduce substance abuse among adults; "(2) to strengthen collaboration among communities, the Federal Government, and State, local, and tribal governments; "(3) to enhance intergovernmental cooperation and coordination on the issue of substance abuse among youth; "(4) to serve as a catalyst for increased citizen participation and greater collaboration among all sectors and organizations of a community that first demonstrates a long-term commitment to reducing substance abuse among youth; "(5) to rechannel resources from the fiscal year 1998 Federal drug control budget to provide technical assistance, guidance, and financial support to communities that demonstrate a long-term commitment in reducing substance abuse among youth; "(6) to disseminate to communities timely information regarding the state-of-the-art practices and initiatives that have proven to be effective in reducing substance abuse among youth; "(7) to enhance, not supplant, local community initiatives for reducing substance abuse among youth; and "(8) to encourage the creation of and support for community anti-drug coalitions throughout the United States. "SEC. 1023. DEFINITIONS. 21 USC 1523. "In this chapter: "(1) ADMINISTRATOR.— The term 'Administrator' means the Administrator appointed by the Director under section 1031(c). "(2) ADVISORY COMMISSION. —The term 'Advisory Commission' means the Advisory Commission established under section 1041. "(3) COMMUNITY.— The term 'community' shall have the meaning provided that term by the Administrator, in consultation with the Advisory Commission. "(4) DIRECTOR. — The term 'Director' means the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy.