Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 1.djvu/298

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Ill STAT. 274 PUBLIC LAW 105-33 —AUG. 5, 1997 SUBCHAPTER B—DIRECT GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION Sec. 4623. Limitation on number of residents and rolling average FTE count. Sec. 4624. Payments to hospitals for direct costs of graduate medical education of Medicare+Choice enrollees. Sec. 4625. Permitting payment to nonhospital providers. Sec. 4626. Incentive payments under plans for voluntary reduction in number of r esidents. Sec. 4627. Medicare special reimbursement rule for primary care combined residency programs. Sec. 4628. Demonstration project on use of consortia. Sec. 4629. Recommendations on long-term policies regarding teaching hospitals and graduate medical education. Sec. 4630. Study of hospital overhead and supervisory physician components of direct medical education costs. CHAPTER 3—PROVISIONS RELATING TO MEDICARE SECONDARY PAYER Sec. 4631. Permanent extension and revision of certain secondary payer provisions. Sec. 4632. Clarification of time and filing limitations. Sec. 4633. Permitting recovery against third party administrators. CHAPTER 4—OTHER PROVISIONS Sec. 4641. Placement of advance directive in medical record. Sec. 4642. Increased certification period for certain organ procurement organizations. Sec. 4643. Office of the Chief Actuary in the Health Care Financing Administration. Sec. 4644. Conforming amendments to comply with congressional review of agency rulemaking. Subtitle H—Medicaid CHAPTER 1—MANAGED CARE Sec. 4701. State option of using managed care; change in terminology. Sec. 4702. Primary care case management services as State option without need for waiver. Sec. 4703. Elimination of 75:25 restriction on risk contracts. Sec. 4704. Increased beneficiary protections. Sec. 4705. Quality assurance standards. Sec. 4706. Solvency standards. Sec. 4707. Protections against fraud and abuse. Sec. 4708. Improved administration. Sec. 4709. 6 -month guaranteed eligibility for all individuals enrolled in managed Sec. 4710. Effective dates. CHAPTER 2—FLEXIBILITY IN PAYMENT OF PROVIDERS Sec. 4711. Flexibility in payment methods for hospital, nursing facility, ICF/MR, and home health services. Sec. 4712. Payment for center and clinic services. Sec. 4713. Elimination of obstetrical and pediatric payment rate requirements. Sec. 4714. Medicaid payment rates for certain medicare cost-sharing. Sec. 4715. Treatment of veterans' pensions under medicaid. CHAPTER 3—FEDERAL PAYMENTS TO STATES Sec. 4721. Reforming disproportionate share payments under State medicaid programs. Sec. 4722. Treatment of State taxes imposed on certain hospitals. Sec. 4723. Additional funding for State emergency health services furnished to undocumented aliens. Sec. 4724. Elimination of waste, fraud, and abuse. Sec. 4725. Increased FMAPs. Sec. 4726. Increase in payment limitation for territories. CHAPTER 4—ELIGIBILITY Sec. 4731. State option of continuous eligibility for 12 months; clarification of State option to cover children. Sec. 4732. Payment of part B premiums. Sec. 4733. State option to permit workers with disabilities to buy into medicaid. Sec. 4734. Penalty for fraudulent eligibility. Sec. 4735. Treatment of certain settlement payments.