Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 1.djvu/545

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PUBLIC LAW 105-33 —AUG. 5, 1997 111 STAT. 521 cost-sharing described in such section on behalf of all individuals described in such section (in this section referred to as 'qualifying individuals') who are selected to receive such assistance under subsection (b). "(b) SELECTION OF QUALIFYING INDIVIDUALS. — A State shall select qualifying individuals, and provide such individuals with assistance, under this section consistent with the following: "(1) ALL QUALIFYING INDIVIDUALS MAY APPLY.— The State shall permit all qualifying individuals to apply for assistance during a calendar year. "(2) SELECTION ON FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED BASIS.— " (A) IN GENERAL.— For each calendar year (beginning with 1998), from (and to the extent of) the amount of the allocation under subsection (c) for the State for the fiscal year ending in such calendar year, the State shall select qualifying individuals who apply for the assistance in the order in which they apply. "(B) CARRYOVER.— For calendar years after 1998, the State shall give preference to individuals who were provided such assistance (or other assistance described in section 1902(a)(10)(E)) in the last month of the previous year and who continue to be (or become) qualifying individuals. "(3) LIMIT ON NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS BASED ON ALLOCA- TION.— The State shall limit the number of qualifying individuals selected with respect to assistance in a calendar year so that the aggregate amount of such assistance provided to such individuals in such year is estimated to be equal to (but not exceed) the State's allocation under subsection (c) for the fiscal year ending in such calendar year. "(4) RECEIPT OF ASSISTANCE DURING DURATION OF YEAR.— If a qualifying individual is selected to receive assistance under this section for a month in year, the individual is entitled to receive such assistance for the remainder of the year if the individual continues to be a qualifying individual. The fact that an individual is selected to receive assistance under this section at any time during a year does not entitle the individual to continued assistance for any succeeding year. "(c) ALLOCATION. — "(1) TOTAL ALLOCATION. — The total amount available for allocation under this section for— " (A) fiscal year 1998 is $200,000,000; " (B) fiscal year 1999 is $250,000,000; " (C) fiscal year 2000 is $300,000,000; " (D) fiscal year 2001 is $350,000,000; and " (E) fiscal year 2002 is $400,000,000. "(2) ALLOCATION TO STATES.— The Secretary shall provide for the allocation of the total amount described in paragraph (1) for a fiscal year, among the States that executed a plsin amendment in accordance with subsection (a), based upon the Secretary's estimate of the ratio of— "(A) an amount equal to the sum of— "(i) twice the total number of individuals described in section 1902(a)(10)(E)(iv)(I) in the State, and "(ii) the total number of individugJs described in section 1902(a)(10)(E)(iv)(II) in the State; to "(B) the sum of the amounts computed under subparagraph (A) for all eligible States. 39-194O-97-18:QL3Part1