Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 1.djvu/575

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PUBLIC LAW 105-33 —AUG. 5, 1997 111 STAT. 551 (B) STATE OPTION TO SEEK EXTENSION OF CURRENT PERIOD. —^A State may elect to maintain the PACE programs which (as of the date of the enactment of this Act) were operating in the State under the authority described in paragraph (1) until a date (specified by the State) that is not later than 3 years after the initial effective date of regulations described in subsection (a). If a State makes such an election, the repeals made by paragraph (1) shall not apply to the programs until the date so specified, but only so long as such programs continue to operate under the same terms and conditions as apply to such programs as of the date of the enactment of this Act, and subparagraph (A) shall not apply to such programs. SEC. 4804. STUDY AND REPORTS. (a) STUDY. — (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services (in close consultation with State administering agencies, as defined in sections 1894(a)(8) and 1934(a)(8) of the Social Security Act) shall conduct a study of the quedity and cost of providing PACE program services under the medicare and medicaid programs under the amendments made by this subtitle. (2) STUDY OF PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT PROVIDERS.—Such study shall specifically compare the costs, quality, and access to services by entities that sire private, for-profit entities operating under demonstration projects waivers granted under sections 1894(h) and 1934(h) of the Social Security Act with the costs, quality, and access to services of other PACE providers. (b) REPORT. — (1) IN GENERAL. — Not later than 4 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall provide for a report to Congress on the impact of such amendments on quality and cost of services. The Secretary shall include in such report such recommendations for changes in the operation of such amendments as the Secretary deems appropriate. (2) TREATMENT OF PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT PROVIDERS. —The report shall include specific findings on whether any of the following findings is true: (A) The number of covered lives enrolled with entities operating under demonstration project waivers under sections 1894(h) and 1934(h) of the Social Security Act is fewer than 800 (or such lesser number as the Secretary may find statistically sufficient to make determinations respecting findings described in the succeeding subparagraphs). (B) The population enrolled with such entities is less frail than the population enrolled with other PACE providers. (C) Access to or quality of care for individuals enrolled with such entities is lower than such access or quality for individuals enrolled with other PACE providers. (D) The application of such section has resulted in an increase in expenditures under the medicare or medicaid programs above the expenditures that would have been made if such section did not apply. 42 USC 1395eee note. 42 USC 1395eee note.