Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 1.djvu/607

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PUBLIC LAW 105-33 —AUG. 5, 1997 111 STAT. 583 areas and cities with large concentrations of residents with an income that is less than the poverty line. "(v) FUNDING.— For grants under this subparagraph for each fiscal year specified in subparagraph (I), there shall be available to the Secretary of Labor an 8imount equal to the sum of— "(I) 25 percent of the sum of— "(aa) the amount specified in subparagraph (I) for the fiscal year, minus the total of the amounts reserved pursuant to subparagraphs (E), (F), (G), and (H) for the fiscal year; and "(bb) any amount reserved pursuant to subparagraph (F) for the immediately preceding fiscal year that has not been obligated; and "(11) any amount available for grants under this subparagraph for the immediately preceding fiscal year that has not been obligated. " (C) LIMITATIONS ON USE OF FUNDS. — "(i) ALLOWABLE ACTiviTiES.An entity to which funds are provided under this paragraph shall use the funds to move individuals into and keep individuals in lasting unsubsidized employment by means of any of the following: "(I) The conduct and administration of community service or work experience programs. "(II) Job creation through public or private sector employment wage subsidies. "(Ill) On-the-job training. "(IV) Contracts with public or private providers of readiness, placement, and post-employment services. "(V) Job vouchers for placement, readiness, and postemployment services. "(VI) Job retention or support services if such services are not otherwise available. Contracts or vouchers for job placement services supported by such funds must require that at least Va of the payment occur after an eligible individual placed into the workforce has been in the workforce for 6 months. "(ii) REQUIRED BENEFICIARIES.— An entity that operates a project with funds provided under this paragraph shall expend at least 70 percent of all funds provided to the project for the benefit of recipients of assistance under the program funded under this part of the State in which the entity is located, or for the benefit of noncustodial parents of minors whose custodial parent is such a recipient, who meet the requirements of each of the following subclauses: "(I) At least 2 of the following apply to the recipient: "(aa) The individual has not completed secondary school or obtained a certificate of general equivalency, and has low skills in reading or mathematics.