Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 2.djvu/1011

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- ^*A PUBLIC LAW 105-86—NOV. 18, 1997 111 STAT. 2091 $188,571,000 for the payment of administrative and operating expenses of approved insurance providers. CORPORATIONS The following corporations and agencies are hereby authorized to make expenditures, within the limits of funds and borrowing authority available to each such corporation or agency and in accord with law, and to make contracts and commitments without regard to fiscal year limitations as provided by section 104 of the Government Corporation Control Act as may be necessary in carrying out the programs set forth in the budget for the current fiscal year for such corporation or agency, except as hereinafter provided. FEDERAL CROP INSURANCE CORPORATION FUND For payments as authorized by section 516 of the Federal Crop Insurance Act, such sums as may be necessary, to remain available until expended (7 U.S.C. 2209b). COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR NET REALIZED LOSSES For fiscal year 1998, such sums as may be necessary to reimburse the Commodity Credit Corporation for net realized losses sustained, but not previously reimbursed (estimated to be $783,507,000 in the President's fiscal year 1998 Budget Request (H. Doc. 105-3)), but not to exceed $783,507,000, pursuant to section 2 of the Act of August 17, 1961 (15 U.S.C. 713a-ll). OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT For fiscal year 1998, the Commodity Credit Corporation shall not expend more than $5,000,000 for expenses to comply with the requirement of section 107(g) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. 9607(g), and section 6001 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. 6961: Provided, That expenses shall be for operations and maintenance costs only and that other hazardous waste management costs shall be paid for by the USDA Hazardous Waste Management appropriation in this Act. TITLE II CONSERVATION PROGRAMS OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY FOR NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT For necessary salaries and expenses of the Office of the Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment to administer the laws enacted by the Congress for the Forest Service and the Natural Resources Conservation Service, $693,000.