Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 2.djvu/141

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•%T^> PUBLIC LAW 105-56—OCT. 8, 1997 111 STAT. 1221 That transfers may be made between such funds: Provided further, That transfers may be made between working capital funds and the "Foreign Currency Fluctuations, Defense" appropriation and the "Operation and Maintenance" appropriation accounts in such amounts as may be determined by the Secretary of Defense, with the approval of the Office of Management and Budget, except that such transfers may not be made unless the Secretary of Defense has notified the Congress of the proposed transfer. Except in amounts equal to the amounts appropriated to working capital funds in this Act, no obligations may be made against a working capital fund to procure or increase the value of war reserve material inventory, unless the Secretary of Defense has notified the Congress prior to any such obligation. SEC. 8007. Funds appropriated by this Act may not be used to initiate a special access program without prior notification 30 calendar days in session in advance to the congressional defense committees. SEC. 8008. (a) None of the funds provided in this Act shall 10 USC 2306b be available to initiate: (1) a multiyear contract that employs eco- note. nomic order quantity procurement in excess of $20,000,000 in any one year of the contract or that includes an unfunded contingent liability in excess of $20,000,000; or (2) a contract for advance procurement leading to a multiyear contract that employs economic order quantity procurement in excess of $20,000,000 in any one year, unless the congressional defense committees have been notified at least 30 days in advance of the proposed contract award: Provided, That no part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall be available to initiate a multiyear contract for which the economic order quantity advance procurement is not funded at least to the limits of the Government's liability: Provided further. That no part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall be available to initiate multiyear procurement contracts for any systems or component thereof if the value of the multij'ear contract would exceed $500,000,000 unless specifically provided in this Act: Provided further, That no multiyear procurement contract can be terminated without 10-day prior notification to the congressional defense committees: Provided further. That the execution of multiyear authority shall require the use of a present valu3 analysis to determine lowest cost compared to an annual procurement. Funds appropriated in title III of this Act may be used for multiyear procurement contracts as follows: Apache Longbow radar; AV-8B aircraft; and Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles. (b) None of the funds provided in this Act and hereafter may be used to submit to Congress (or to any committee of Congress) a request for authority to enter into a contract covered by those provisions of subsection (a) that precede the first proviso of that subsection unless— (1) such request is made as part of the submission of the President's Budget for the United States Government for any fiscal year and is set forth in the Appendix to that budget as part of proposed legislative language for appropriations bills for the next fiscal year; or (2) such request is formally submitted by the President as a budget amendment; or