Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 2.djvu/159

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PUBLIC LAW 105-56—OCT. 8, 1997 111 STAT. 1239 (3) in the case of an expired account, the obligation is not chargeable to a current appropriation of the Department of Defense under the provisions of section 1405(b)(8) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991, Public Law 101-510, as amended (31 U.S.C. 1551 note): Provided, That in the case of an expired account, if subsequent review or investigation discloses that there was not in fact a negative unliquidated or unexpended balance in the account, any charge to a current account under the authority of this section shall be reversed and recorded against the expired account: Provided further, That the total amount charged to a current appropriation under this section may not exceed an amount equal to 1 percent of the total appropriation for that account. (TRANSFER OF FUNDS) SEC. 8090. Upon enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall make the following transfers of funds: Provided, That the amounts transferred shall be available for the same purposes as the appropriations to which transferred, and for the same time period as the appropriation from which transferred: Provided further. That the amounts shall be transferred between the following appropriations in the amount specified: From: Under the heading, "Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy, 1989/2000": SSN-688 attack submarine program, $3,000,000; DDG-51 destroyer program, $1,500,000; LHD-1 amphibious assault ship program, $8,000,000; T-AO fleet oiler program, $3,453,000; AOE combat support ship program, $3,600,000; and For craft, outfitting, and post delivery, $2,019,000; To: Under the heading, "Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy, 1989/2000": SSN-21 attack submarine program, $21,572,000; From: Under the heading, "Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy, 1991/2001": DDG-51 destroyer program, $1,060,000; LHD-1 amphibious assault ship program, $1,600,000; LSD-41 cargo variant ship program, $2,666,000; AOE combat support ship program, $7,307,000; and For craft, outfitting, and post delivery, $12,000,000; To: Under the heading, "Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy, 1991/2001": SSN-21 attack submarine program, $24,633,000;