Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 2.djvu/367

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PUBLIC LAW 105-66 —OCT. 27, 1997 111 STAT. 1447 in sections 9.400 through 9.409 of title 48, Code of Federal Regulations. SEC. 332. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, receipts, in amounts determined by the Secretary, collected from users of fitness centers operated by or for the Department of Transportation shall be available to support the operation and maintenance of those facilities. SEC. 333. None of the funds made available in this Act may be used for improvements to the Miller Highway in New York City, New York. SEC. 334. None of the funds in this Act shall be available to implement or enforce regulations that would result in the withdrawal of a slot from an air carrier at O'Hare International Airport under section 93.223 of title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations in excess of the total slots withdrawn from that air carrier as of October 31, 1993 if such additional slot is to be allocated to an air carrier or foreign air carrier under section 93.217 of title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations. SEC. 335. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, of Alaska. amounts made available under Federal Aviation Administration "Operations", the FAA shall provide personnel at Dutch Harbor, Alaska to provide real-time weather and runway observation and other such functions to help ensure the safety of aviation operations. SEC. 336. Notwithstanding 49 U.S.C. 41742, no essential air service shall be provided to communities in the 48 contiguous States that are located fewer than 70 highway miles from the nearest large and medium hub airport, or that require a rate of subsidy per passenger in excess of $200 unless such point is greater than 210 miles from the nearest large or medium hub airport. SEC. 337. (a) IN GENERAL.— For purposes of the exception set forth in section 29(a)(2) of the International Air Transportation Competition Act of 1979 (Public Law 96-192; 94 Stat. 48), the term "passenger capacity of 56 passengers or less" includes any aircraft, except aircraft exceeding gross aircraft weight of 300,000 pounds, reconfigured to accommodate 56 or fewer passengers if the total number of passenger seats installed on the aircraft does not exceed 56. (b) INCLUSION OF CERTAIN STATES IN EXEMPTION. —The first sentence of section 29(c) of the International Air Transportation Competition Act of 1979 (Public Law 96-192; 94 Stat. 48 et seq.) is amended by inserting "Kansas, Alabama, Mississippi," before "and Texas". (c) SAFETY ASSURANCE.— The Administrator of the Federal Notification. Aviation Administration shall monitor the safety of flight operations in the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area and take such actions as may be necessary to ensure safe aviation operations. If the Administrator must restrict aviation operations in the Dallas-Fort Worth area to ensure safety, the Administrator shall notify the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations as soon as possible that an unsafe airspace management situation existed requiring the restrictions. SEC. 338. Rebates, refunds, incentive payments, minor fees and other funds received by the Department from travel management centers, charge card programs, the subleasing of building space, and miscellaneous sources are to be credited to appropriations of the Department £m.d allocated to elements of the