PUBLIC LAW 105-83—NOV. 14, 1997 111 STAT. 1577 excess of 25 percent of the fiscal year 1989 harvested volume in the Wayne National Forest, Ohio: Provided, That this limitation shall not apply to hardwood stands damaged by natural disaster: Provided further, That landscape architects shall be used to maintain a visually pleasing forest. Any money collected from the States for fire suppression assistance rendered by the Forest Service on non-Federal lands not in the vicinity of National Forest System lands shall be used to reimburse the applicable appropriation and shall remain available until expended as the Secretary may direct in conducting activities authorized by 16 U.S.C. 2101 note, 2101-2110, 1606, and 2111. Of the funds available to the Forest Service, $1,500 is available to the Chief of the Forest Service for official reception and representation expenses. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Forest Service is authorized to employ or otherwise contract with persons at regular rates of pay, as determined by the Service, to perform work occasioned by emergencies such as fires, storms, floods, earthquakes or any other unavoidable cause without regard to Sundays, Federal holidays, and the regular workweek. To the greatest extent possible, and in accordance with the Final Amendment to the Shawnee National Forest Plan, none of the funds available in this Act sheill be used for preparation of timber sales using clearcutting or other forms of even-aged management in hardwood stands in the Shawnee National Forest, Illinois. Pursuant to sections 405(b) and 410(b) of Public Law 101- 593, of the funds available to the Forest Service, up to $2,250,000 may be advanced in a lump sum as Federal financial assistance to the National Forest Foundation, without regard to when the Foundation incurs expenses, for administrative expenses or projects on or benefitting National Forest System lands or related to Forest Service programs: Provided, That of the Federal funds made available to the Foundation, no more than $750,000 shall be available for administrative expenses: Provided further. That the Foundation shall obtain, by the end of the period of Federal financial assistance, private contributions to match on at least one-for-one basis funds made available by the Forest Service: Provided further. That the Foundation may transfer Federal funds to a recipient of Federal financial assistance for a project at the same rate that the recipient has obtained the non-Federal matching funds: Provided further. That hereafter, the National Forest Foundation may hold Federal l6 USC 583j-9. funds made available but not immediately disbursed and may use any interest or other investment income earned (before, on, or after the date of enactment of this Act) on Federal funds to carry out the purposes of Public Law 101-593: Provided further, That such investments may be made only in interest-bearing obligations of the United States or in obligations guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the United States. Pursuant to section 2(b)(2) of Public Law 98-244, up to $2,000,000 of the funds available to the Forest Service shall be available for matching funds, as authorized by 16 U.S.C. 3701- 3709, and may be advanced in a lump sum as Federal financial assistance, without regard to when expenses are incurred, for projects on or benefitting National Forest System lands or related to Forest Service programs: Provided, That the Foundation shall obtain, by the end of the period of Federal financial assistance, private contributions to match on at least one-for-one basis funds