Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 2.djvu/555

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PUBLIC LAW 105-85—NOV. 18, 1997 111 STAT. 1635 Sec. 652. Conformance of NOAA commissioned officers separation pay to separation pay for members of other uniformed services, igibility of Public Health Service officers and NOAA commissioned corps officers for reimbursement of adoption expenses. Sec. 654. Payment of back quarters and subsistence allowances to World War II veterans who served as guerrilla fighters in the Philippines. Sec. 655. Subsistence of members of the Aimed Forces above the poverty level. TITLE VII—HEALTH CARE PROVISIONS Subtitle A—Health Care Services Sec. 701. Expansion of retiree dental insurance plan to include surviving spouse and child dependents of certain deceased members. Sec. 702. Provision of prosthetic devices to covered beneficiaries. Sec. 703. Study concerning the provision of comparative information. Subtitle B—TRICARE Program Sec. 711. Addition of definition of TRICARE program to title 10. Sec. 712. Plan for expansion of managed care option of TRICARE program. Subtitle C—Uniformed Services Treatment Facilities Sec. 721. Implementation of designated provider agreements for Uniformed Services Treatment Facilities. Sec. 722. Continued acquisition of reduced-cost drugs. Sec. 723. Limitation on total payments. Subtitle D—Other Changes to Existing Laws Regarding Health Care Management Sec. 731. Improvements in health care coverage and access for members assigned to certain duty locations far from sources of care. Sec. 732. Waiver or reduction of copayments under overseas dental program. Sec. 733. Premium collection requirements for medical and dental insurance programs; extension of deadline for implementation of dental insurance program for military retirees. Sec. 734. Dental insurance plan coverage for retirees of the Public Health Service and NOAA. Sec. 735. Consistency between CHAMPUS and Medicare in payment rates for services. Sec. 736. Use of personal services contracts for provision of health care services and legal protection for providers. Sec. 737. Portability of State licenses for Department of Defense health care professionals. Sec. 738. Standard form and requirements regarding claims for payment for services. Sec. 739. Chiropractic health care demonstration program. Subtitle E—Other Matters Sec. 741. Continued admission of civilians as students in physician assistant training program of Army Medical Department. Sec. 742. Payment for emergency health care overseas for military and civilian personnel of the On-Site Inspection Agency. Sec. 743. Authority for agreement for use of medical resource facility, Alamogordo, New Aiexico. Sec. 744. Disclosures of cautionary information on prescription medications. Sec. 745. Competitive procurement of certain ophthalmic services. Sec. 746. Comptroller General study of adequaCT and effect of maximum allowable charges for physicians under CHAMPUS. Sec. 747. Comptroller General study of Department of Defense pharmacy programs. Sec. 748. Comptroller CJeneral study of Navy graduate medical education program. Sec. 749. Study of expansion of pharmaceuticals by mail program to include additional Medicare-eligible covered beneficiaries. Sec. 750. Comptroller General study of requirement for military medical facilities in National Capital Region. Sec. 751. Report on policies and programs to promote healthy lifestyles for members of the Armed Forces and their dependents. Sec. 752. Sense of Congress regarding quality health care for retirees. Subtitle F—Persian Gulf Illness Sec. 761. Definitions. Sec. 762. Plan for health care services for Persian Gulf veterans.