Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 2.djvu/572

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Ill STAT. 1652 PUBLIC LAW 105-85—NOV. 18, 1997 (b) SUBMISSION TO CONGRESS. —The Secretary shall submit the cost and operation effectiveness analysis to the congressional defense committees not later than April 2, 1998. SEC. 133. ANALYSIS OF REQUIREMENTS FOR REPLACEMENT OF ENGINES ON MILITARY AIRCRAFT DERIVED FROM BOEING 707 AIRCRAFT. (a) ANALYSIS REQUIRED.— The Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on National Security of the House of Representatives an analy- sis, to be carried out by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, of the requirements of the Department of Defense for replacing engines on the aircraft of the Department of Defense that are derived from the Boeing 707 aircraft and the costs of meeting those requirements. (b) CONTENT.— The analysis shall include the following: (1) The number of aircraft described in subsection (a) that are in the inventory of the Department of Defense as of October 1, 1997, and the number of such aircraft that are projected to be in the inventory of the Department as of October 1, 2002, as of October 1, 2007, and as of October 1, 2012. (2) For each t5^e of such aircraft, the estimated cost of operating the aircraft for each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year 1998 and ending with fiscal year 2014, taking into account nistorical patterns of usage and projected support costs. (3) For each t5^e of such aircraft, the estimated costs and the benefits of replacing the engines on the aircraft, analyzed on the basis of the experience under the limited program for replacing the engines on RC-135 aircraft that was undertaken during fiscal years 1995, 1996, and 1997. (4) Various plans for replacement of engines that the Under Secretary considers best on the basis of costs and benefits. (c) SUBMISSION DEADLINE. —The analysis under subsection (a) shall be submitted not later thsin March 1, 1998. Subtitle E—Other Matters 10 USC 4543 SEC. 141. PILOT PROGRAM ON SALES OF MANUFACTURED ARTICLES note. AND SERVICES OF CERTAIN ARMY INDUSTRIAL FACILI- TIES WITHOUT REGARD TO AVAILABILITY FROM DOMES- TIC SOURCES. (a) PILOT PROGRAM REQUIRED. —During fiscal years 1998 and 1999, the Secretary of the Army shall carry out a pilot program to test the efficacy and appropriateness of selling manufactured articles and services of Army industrial facilities under section 4543 of title 10, United States Code, without regard to the availability of the articles and services from United States commercial sources. In carrying out the pilot program, the Secretary may use articles manufactured at, and services provided by, not more than three Army industrial facilities. (b) TEMPORARY WAIVER OF REQUIREMENT FOR DETERMINATION OF UNAVAILABILITY FROM DOMESTIC SOURCE. —Under the pilot program, the Secretary of the Army is not required under section 4543(a)(5) of title 10, United States Code, to determine whether an article or service is available from a commercial source located in the United States in the case of any of the following sales