Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 2.djvu/784

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Ill STAT. 1864 PUBLIC LAW 105-85—NOV. 18, 1997 (1) shall consider whether the current policy is in need of revision to reflect changes in technology and battlefield use of TIARA systems; (2) shall specifically consider the appropriateness of the continued inclusion in the TIARA budget aggregation of each of the programs described in subsection (e); and (3) may consider the appropriateness of the continued inclusion in the TIARA budget aggregation of any other program (in addition to the programs described to in subsection (e)) that as of the date of the enactment of this Act is managed and budgeted as part of the TIARA budget aggregation. (c) REPORT. — Not later than March 1, 1998, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to Congress a report on the assessment carried out under section (b). The Secretary shall include in the report— (1) a description of any proposed changes to Department of Defense policies for determining which programs are included in the TIARA budget aggregation; and (2) identification of each program (among the programs considered pursuant to paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (b)) for which the management and budgeting of funds is to be transferred under subsection (a). (d) IDENTIFICATION OF PROGRAMS.—(1) In specifying the programs to be included on the list under subsection (c)(2), the Secretary— (A) shall (except as otherwise provided pursuant to a waiver under paragraph (2)) include each program described in subsection (e); and (B) may include such additional programs considered in the assessment pursuant to subsection (b)(3) as the Secretary determines appropriate. (2) The Secretary, after considering the results of the assessment under subsection (c), may waive the applicability of paragraph (1)(A) to any program described in subsection (e). The Secretary shall include in the report under subsection (c) identification of each such program for which the Secretary has granted such a waiver and supporting rationale for each waiver. (e) COVERED PROGRAMS.— The programs described in this subsection are the following (each of which, as of the date of the enactment of this Act, is managed and budgeted as part of the TIARA budget aggregation): (1) Each targeting or target acquisition program of the Department of Defense, including the Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS) and the Advanced Deployable System. (2) Each Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment program of the Department of Defense, including the Defense Support Program, the Space-Based Infrared Program, and early warning radars. (3) Each tactical communications system of the Department of Defense, including the Joint Tactical Terminal. (f) TIARA BUDGET AGGREGATION DEFINED.— For purposes of this section, the term "TIARA budget aggregation" means the aggregation of programs of the Department of Defense for which funds are managed and budgeted through a common designation as Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities (TIARA) of the Department of Defense.