Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 2.djvu/825

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PUBLIC LAW 105-85—NOV. 18, 1997 111 STAT. 1905 (1) Effective as of February 10, 1996, and as if included therein as enacted, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996 (Public Law 104-106) is amended as follows: (A) Section 321(a)(2)(A) (110 Stat. 251) is amended by striking out "2710(d)" and inserting in lieu thereof " 2701(d)". (B) Section 356(d)(3) (110 Stat. 271) is amended by striking out "or" after "to any provision" and inserting in lieu thereof "of. (C) Section 533(b) (110 Stat. 315) is amended by inserting before the period at the end the following: "and the amendments made by subsection (b), effective as of October 5 1994". (D) Section 703(b) (110 Stat. 372) is amended by striking out "Such paragraph" and inserting in lieu thereof "Such section". (E) Section 1501 (110 Stat. 500) is amended— (i) in subsection (d)(1), by striking out "337(b)" and "2717" and inserting in lieu thereof "377(b)" and "2737", respectively; and (ii) in subsection (f)(2), by inserting "of the Reserve Officer Personnel Management Act" before "shall take". (2) The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1993 (Public Law 102-484) is amended as follows: (A) Section 812(c) (10 U.S.C. 1723 note) is amended by inserting "and Technology" after "for Acquisition". (B) Section 1091(Z)(3) (32 U.S.C. 501 note) is amended by striking out "the day preceding the date of the enactment of this Act" and inserting in lieu thereof "October 19 1994". (C) Section 4471 (10 U.S.C. 2501 note) is amended by realigning subsection (e) so as to be flush to the left margin. (3) Section 807(b)(2)(A) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 1992 and 1993 (Public Law 102- 190; 10 U.S.C. 2320 note) is amended by inserting before the period the following: "and Technology". (4) The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991 (Public Law 101-510) is amended as follows: (A) Section 1205 (10 U.S.C. 1746 note) is amended by striking out "Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition" each place it appears and inserting in lieu thereof "Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology". (B) Section 2905 (10 U.S.C. 2687 note) is amended— (i) in subsection (b)(7), by striking out "4331" in subparagraphs (K)(iii) and (L)(iv)(III) and inserting in lieu thereof "4321"; and (ii) in subsection (f)(3), by striking out "section 2873(a)" and inserting in heu thereof "section 2883(a)". (C) Section 2921 (10 U.S.C. 2687 note) is amended— (i) in subsection (e)(3)(B), by striking out "Defense Subcommittees" and inserting in lieu thereof "Subcommittee on Defense"; and (ii) in subsection (f)(2), by striking out "the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives" and inserting in lieu thereof Effective date. 10 USC 1076 note. 10 USC 2701 note. 10 USC 2461 note. 10 USC 6975, 6975 note. 10 USC 1076. 10 USC 10154. 10 USC 10001 note.