Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 3.djvu/537

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PUBLIC LAW 105-135—DEC. 2, 1997 111 STAT. 2625 and an international trade data information network with ties to the Export Assistance Center program.". (b) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out section 21(c)(3)(S) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 648(c)(3)(S)), as added by this section, $1,500,000 for each fiscal years 1998 and 1999. SEC. 507. DEFENSE LOAN AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. 15 USC 636 note. (a) DELTA PROGRAM AUTHORIZED.— (1) IN GENERAL.— The Administrator may administer the Defense Loan and Technical Assistsmce program in accordance with the authority and requirements of this section. (2) EXPIRATION OF AUTHORITY.— The authority of the Administrator to carry out the DELTA program under paragraph (1) shall terminate when the funds referred to in subsection (g)(1) have been expended. (3) DELTA PROGRAM DEFINED.— In this section, the terms "Defense Loan and Technical Assistsince program" and "DELTA program" mean the Defense Loan and Technical Assistance program that has been established by a memorandum of understanding entered into by the Administrator and the Secretary of Defense on June 26, 1995. (b) ASSISTANCE,— (1) AUTHORITY. — Under the DELTA program, the Administrator may assist small business concerns that are economically dependent on defense expenditures to acquire dual-use capabilities. (2) FORMS OF ASSISTANCE. —Forms of assistance authorized under paragraph (1) are as follows: (A) LOAN GUARANTEES.—Loan guarantees under the terms and conditions specified under this section and other applicable law. (B) NONFINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. —Other forms of assistance that are not financial. (c) ADMINISTRATION OF PROGRAM.— In the administration of the DELTA program under this section, the Administrator shall— (1) process applications for DELTA program loan guarantees; (2) guarantee repayment of the resulting loans in accordance with this section; and (3) take such other actions as are necessary to administer the program. (d) SELECTION AND ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR DELTA LOAN GUARANTEES.— (1) IN GENERAL. — The selection criteria and eligibility requirements set forth in this subsection shall be applied in the selection of small business concerns to receive loan guarantees under the DELTA program. (2) SELECTION CRITERIA. —The criteria used for the selection of a small business concern to receive a loan guarantee under this section are as follows: (A) The selection criteria established under the memorandum of understanding referred to in subsection (a)(3). (B) The extent to which the loans to be guaranteed would support the retention of defense workers whose employment would otherwise be permanently or temporarily terminated as a result of reductions in expenditures