Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 3.djvu/852

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Ill STAT. 2940 PROCLAMATION 7011—JUNE 30, 1997 Annex 1 (continued) - 13- Section B. (con.) (33). (c on.): (b). by Inserting the following new note: ••12. For the purposes of subhesdin* 8S38.90.10, the expression "arttcles described in addltionel U.S. note 12 to chapter 85" aeans my of the folloNing goods: spin dryers of subheading 8421.19.30; deflssh iiachines of subheading 8424.30 for cleaning or rcnovlng contminants from the metal leads of seniconductor pacliages prior to electroplating (dcflash by projectile beads); spraying appliances of subheading 8424.89.30; machines or appliances of subheading 8424.89.30; sutcaated machinery of subheading 8428.20, 8428.33, 8428.39 or 8428.90 for transport, handling and storage of semiconAjctor Mafers, wafer cassettes, uifer boxes and other materials for seniconductor devices; machines of subheading 8436.10.60; machines of subheading 84S«.91; machines of subheading 8456.99.10; machines of subheading 8456.99.70; machines of sUiheading 8462.21.40 or 8462.29.40; machines of subheading 8464.10 for sawing monocrystal semiconductor boules into slices, or wafers into chips; machines of subheading 8464.20.10; machines of subheading 8464.90.10 or 8464.90.60; deflash machines of subheading 8465.99.40; articles of subheading 8469.11, heading 8470 or heading 8471; automatic tetter machines of subheading 8472.90.10; sMChines of subheading 8477.10.70, 8477.40.40 or 8477.59.40; machines of subheading 8479.89.85 for processing of seal conductor materials or for production and assesply of diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor devices and electronic Integrated circuits; aechlnes of subheading 8479.89.87; furnaces end ovens of subheading 8514.10 or 8514.20 for the manufacture of semiconductor device* on semiconductor wafers; furnaces and ovens of subheading 8514.30.60; die attach apparatus, tape autonsted Ixinders and wire bonders of subheading 8515.80 for asseafcly of seaieonductors; articles of heeding 8S17; articles of subheading 8520.20; transmission apparatus of subheading 8525.10.10 or 8525.10.90; articles of subheading 8525.20; digital still Image video cameras of subheading 8525.40.40; articles of subheading 8527.90.40; paging receivers of subheading 8527.90.85; ton Implanters of subheading 8543.11 designed for doping semiconductor materials; articles of subheading 8543.89.92; photocopying apparatus of subheading 9009.11 or 9009.21; apparatus of subheading 9010.41, 9010.42 or 9010.49; apparatus of subheading 9010.50.60 for the projection or drawing of circuit patterns on flat panel displays; plotters of subheading 9017.10.40 or 9017.20.70; pattern generating apparatus of subheading 9017.20.50; instronents and apparatus of heading 9026; Instrusents and apparatus of heading 9027 except of subheading 9027.10, 9027.40 or 9027.90.20; instruMnts and apparatus of subheading 9030.40; instruaents end apparatus of subheading 9030.82; optical instruments and appliances of subheading 9031.41; optical instrimnts and appliances of subheading 9031.49.70; articles of sUiheading 9031.80.40.* (3A). The article description for heading 850A is modified by deleting the expression "inductors; power supplies for automatic data processing machines or units thereof of heading 8^71; parts" and inserting "inductors; parts" in lieu thereof. (35). The article description for subheading 8504.40 is modified by deleting the expression "converters; power supplies for automatic data processing machines or units thereof of heading 8471:" and inserting "converters:" in lieu thereof. (36). Subheadings 8504.40.90, 8504.50.00 and 8504.90.70 are superseded and the following inserted, in numerical sequence, in lieu thereof: lEtectricsl transformers, static...:] [Static converters:] "8504.40.85 For telecoffliiunication apparatus Free 35X 8504.40.95 Other See section A free (A,B,C,CA, 35X of Annex II E,I L, J,MX) to this proclamation 8504.50 Other inductors: 8504.50. 40 For power supplies for autometic data processing machines and units thereof of heading 8471; for teleconnunication apparatus See section A Free (A,8,C,E, 3SX of Annex II 11,J,MX) to this 0.3X (CA) proclamation 8504.50.80 Other 3X Free (A,»,C,E. 35X" IL.J.MX) a.3X (CA)