Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 1.djvu/457

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PUBLIC LAW 105-178—JUNE 9, 1998 112 STAT. 431 "(C) PERSONS SUBJECT TO FEES. —Fees may be assessed and collected under this subsection only with respect to— "(i) persons and entities for whom education or training programs are developed or administered under this subsection; and "(ii) persons and entities to whom education or training is provided under this subsection. "(D) AMOUNT OF FEES.— The fees assessed and collected under this subsection shall be established in a manner that ensures that the liability of any person or entity for a fee is reasonably based on the proportion of the costs referred to in subparagraph (A) that relate to the person or entity. "(E) USE.— All fees collected under this subsection shall be used to defray costs associated with the development or administration of education and training programs authorized under this subsection. "(8) RELATION TO FEES.— The funds made available to carry out this subsection may be combined with or held separate from the fees collected under paragraph (7). " (b) LOCAL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM.— "(1) AUTHORITY. — The Secretary shall carry out a local technical assistance program that will provide access to surface transportation technology to— "(A) highway and transportation agencies in urbanized areas with populations of between 50,000 and 1,000,000 individuals; "(B) highway and transportation agencies in rural areas; and "(C) contractors that do work for the agencies. " (2) GRANTS, COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS, AND CONTRACTS. — The Secretary may make grants and enter into cooperative agreements and contracts to provide education and training, technical assistance, and related support services to— "(A) assist rural, local transportation agencies and tribal governments, and the consultants and construction personnel working for the agencies and governments, to— "(i) develop and expand their expertise in road and transportation areas (including pavement, bridge, concrete structures, safety management systems, and traffic safety countermeasures); "(ii) improve roads and bridges; "(iii) enhance— "(I) programs for the movement of passengers and freight; and "(II) intergovernmental transportation planning and project selection; and "(iv) deal effectively with special transportationrelated problems by preparing and providing training packages, manuals, guidelines, and technical resource materials; "(B) develop technical assistance for tourism and recreational travel; "(C) identify, package, and deliver transportation technology and traffic safety information to local jurisdictions to assist urban transportation agencies in developing and