Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 1.djvu/475

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PUBLIC LAW 105-178-JUNE 9, 1998 112 STAT. 449 of this Act, $700,000 per fiscal year shall be available to carry out this paragraph. (3) INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE. — (A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall carry out a program to advsince the deplojment of an operational intelligent transportation infrastructure system for the measurement of various transportation system activities to aid in the, transportation planning and analysis while making a significant contribution to the ITS program under this title. This program shall be initiated in the 2 largest metropolitan areas in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The program may locate its database at the facility authorized xinder paragraph (6). (B) DESCRIPTION.— The program under this section shall meet the following objectives: (i) Build an infrastructure of the measurement of various transportation system metrics to aid in planning, analysis, and maintenance of the Department of Transportation, including the buildout, maintenance, and operation of greater than 40 metropolitan area systems with a cost not to exceed $2,000,000 per metropolitan area. For the purposes of this demonstration initiative, a metropolitan area is defined as any area that has a population exceeding 300,000 and that meets several of the criteria established by the Secretary in conjunction with the intelligent vehicle highway systems corridors program. (ii) Provide private technology commercialization initiatives to generate revenues which will be shared with local departments of transportation. (iii) Collect data primarily through wireless transmission along with some shared wide area networks. (iv) Aggregate data into reports for multipoint data distribution techniques. (v) Utilize an advanced information system designed and monitored by an entity with experience with the Department of Transportation in the design and monitoring of high reliability, mission critical voice and data systems. (C) ELIGIBILITY.— In addition to the amounts made available under subparagraph (D), the program authorized under this paragraph shall be eligible for funding under sections 5207 and 5208 of this Act. (D) FUNDING. —Of the amounts made available for each of fiscal years 1998 through 2003 by section 5001(a)(2) of this Act, $1,700,000 per fiscal year shall be available to carry out this paragraph. (E) FEDERAL SHARE. — The Federal share of the cost of a program ceirried out under this paragraph shall be 80 percent of the cost of such program. (4) CORROSION CONTROL AND PREVENTION.— (A) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary shall make a grant to conduct a study on the costs and benefits of corrosion control and prevention. The study shall be conducted in conjunction with an interdisciplinary team of experts from the fields of metallurgy, chemistiy, economics, and others, as appropriate. Not later than September 30, 2001, the Deadline. Reports.