Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 1.djvu/485

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PUBLIC LAW 105-178^JUNE 9, 1998 112 STAT. 459 in accordance with the national architecture and standards and protocols established under section 5206; (5) are part of approved plans and programs developed under applicable statewide and metropolitan transportation planning processes and applicable State air quality implementation plans, as appropriate, at the time at which Federal funds are sought; (6) minimize the relative percentage and amount of Federal contributions under this section to total project costs; (7) ensure continued, long-term operations and maintenance without continued reliance on Federal funding under this subtitle, as evidenced by documented evidence of fiscal capacity and commitment from anticipated public and private sources; (8) demonstrate technical capacity for effective operations and maintenance or commitment to acquiring necessary skills; (9) mitigate any adverse impacts on bicycle and pedestrian transportation and safety; or (10) in the case of a rural area, meet other safety, mobility, geographic and regional diversity, or economic development criteria as determined by the Secretary. (c) FISCAL YEAR LIMITATIONS.—Of the amounts made available to carry out this section for a fiscal year— (1) not more that $15,000,000 may be used for projects in a single metropolitan area; (2) not more than $2,000,000 may be used for projects in a single rural area; and (3) not more than $35,000,000 may be used for projects in a State. (d) FUNDING LIMITATIONS.— (1) PROJECTS IN METROPOLITAN AREAS. —Funding under this section for intelligent transportation infrastructure projects in metropolitan areas shall be used primarily for activities necessary to integrate intelligent transportation infrastructure elements that are either deployed or to be deployed with other sources of funds. (2) OTHER PROJECTS.— For projects outside metropolitan areas, funding provided under this subtitle may also be used for installation of intelligent transportation infrastructure elements. (e) FUNDING FOR RURAL AREAS. —The Secretary shall allocate not less than 10 percent of funds authorized by section 5001(c)(4)(A) in rural areas for intelligent transportation infrastructure deploy- ment activities funded under this section to carry out intelligent transportation infrastructure deployment activities in rural areas. (f) FEDERAL SHARE.— (1) FUNDS MADE AVAILABLE UNDER THIS SECTION.— The Federal share of the cost of a project payable from funds made available under this section shall not exceed 50 percent. (2) FUNDS MADE AVAILABLE FROM ALL FEDERAL SOURCES.— The total Federal share of the cost of a project payable from all eligible sources (including this section) shall not exceed 80 percent. (g) CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT AND COORDINATION.— (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall encourage multistate Contracts. cooperative agreements, coalitions, or other arrangements intended to promote regional cooperation, planning, and shared