Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 1.djvu/74

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112 STAT. 48 PUBLIC LAW 105-170—APR. 24, 1998 Regulations. 49 USC 44701 note. 49 USC 44701 note. (b) FORMAT. — The Administrator may specify a format for reports to be submitted under this section. SEC. 4. DECISION ON AUTOMATIC EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATORS. (a) IN GENERAL. — Not later than 120 days after the last day of the 1-year period described in section 3, the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration shall make a decision on whether or not to require automatic external defibrillators on passenger aircraft operated by air carriers and whether or not to require automatic external defibrillators at airports. (b) FORM OF DECISION. —^A decision under this section shall be in the form of a notice of proposed rulemaking requiring automatic external defibrillators in airports or on passenger aircraft operated by air carriers, or both, or a recommendation to Congress for legislation requiring such defibrillators or a notice in the Federal Register that such defibrillators should not be required in airports or on such aircraft. If a decision under this section is in the form of a notice of proposed rulemaking, the Administrator shall make a final decision not later than the 120th day following the date on which comments are due on the notice of proposed rulemaking. (c) CONTENTS. —If the Administrator decides that automatic external defibrillators should be required— (1) on passenger aircraft operated by air carriers, the proposed rulemaking or recommendation shall include— (A) the size of the aircraft on which such defibrillators should be required; (B) the class flights (whether interstate, overseas, or foreign air transportation or any combination thereof) on which such defibrillators should be required; (C) the training that should be required for air carrier personnel in the use of such defibrillators; and (D) the associated equipment and medication that should be required to be carried in the aircraft medical kit; and (2) at airports, the proposed rulemaking or recommendation shall include— (A) the size of the airport at which such defibrillators should be required; (B) the training that should be required for airport personnel in the use of such defibrillators; and (C) the associated equipment and medication that should be required at the airport. (d) LIMITATION. —The Administrator may not require automatic external defibrillators on helicopters and on aircraft with a maximum payload capacity (as defined in section 119.3 of title 14, Code of Federal Regulations) of 7,500 pounds or less. (e) SPECIAL RULE.— If the Administrator decides that automatic external defibrillators should be required at airports, the proposed rulemaking or recommendation shall provide that the airports are responsible for providing the defibrillators. SEC. 5. LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY. (a) LIABILITY OF AIR CARRIERS.^AQ air carrier shall not be liable for damages in any action brought in a Federal or State court arising out of the performance of the air carrier in obtaining or attempting to obtain the assistance of a passenger in an inflight medical emergency, or out of the acts or omissions of the