Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/191

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PUBLIC LAW 105-220—AUG. 7, 1998 112 STAT. 1075 (D) to collect and disseminate information on methods of advancing literacy that show great promise, including phonemic awareness, systematic phonics, fluency, and reading comprehension based on the work of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; (E) to provide policy and technical assistance to Federal, State, and local entities for the improvement of policy and programs relating to literacy; (F) to fund a network of State or regional adult literacy resource centers to assist State and local public and private nonprofit efforts to improve literacy by— (i) encouraging the coordination of literacy services; (ii) enhancing the capacity of State and local organizations to provide literacy services; and (iii) serving as a link between the Institute and providers of adult education and literacy activities for the purpose of sharing information, data, research, expertise, and literacy resources; (G) to coordinate and share information with national organizations and associations that are interested in literacy and workforce investment activities; (H) to advise Congress and Federal departments and agencies regarding the development of policy with respect to literacy and basic skills; and (I) to undertake other activities that lead to the improvement of the Nation's literacy delivery system and that complement other such efforts being undertaken by public and private agencies and organizations. (2) GRANTS, CONTRACTS, AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS.— The Institute may award grants to, or enter into contracts or cooperative agreements with, individuals, public or private institutions, agencies, organizations, or consortia of such institutions, agencies, or organizations to carry out the activities of the Institute. (d) LITERACY LEADERSHIP. — (1) IN GENERAL.— The Institute, in consultation with the Board, may award fellowships, with such stipends and allowances that the Director considers necessary, to outstanding individuals pursuing careers in adult education or literacy in the areas of instruction, management, research, or innovation. (2) FELLOWSHIPS.—Fellowships awarded under this subsection shall be used, under the auspices of the Institute, to engage in research, education, training, technical assistance, or other activities to advance the field of adult education or literacy, including the training of volunteer literacy providers at the national. State, or local level. (3) INTERNS AND VOLUNTEERS. —The Institute, in consultation with the Board, may award paid and unpaid internships to individuals seeking to assist the Institute in carrying out its mission. Notwithstanding section 1342 of title 31, United States Code, the Institute may accept and use voluntary and uncompensated services as the Institute determines necessary. (e) NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR LITERACY ADVISORY BOARD. — (1) ESTABLISHMENT. — (A) IN GENERAL.— T here shall be a National Institute President. for Literacy Advisory Board (in this section referred to