Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/259

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PUBLIC LAW 105-220—AUG. 7, 1998 112 STAT. 1143 "(ii) the responsibilities of the eligible individual, including— "(I) the responsibilities the eligible individual will assume in relation to the employment outcome of the individual; "(II) if applicable, the participation of the eligible individual in paying for the costs of the plan; and " (III) the responsibility of the eligible individual with regard to applying for and securing comparable benefits as described in section 101(a)(8); and "(iii) the responsibilities of other entities as the result of arrangements made pursuant to comparable services or benefits requirements as described in section 101(a)(8); "(F) for an eligible individual with the most significant disabilities for whom an employment outcome in a supported employment setting has been determined to be appropriate, information identifying— "(i) the extended services needed by the eligible individual; and "(ii) the source of extended services or, to the extent that the source of the extended services cannot be identified at the time of the development of the individualized plan for employment, a description of the basis for concluding that there is a reasonable expectation that such source will become available; and "(G) as determined to be necessary, a statement of projected need for post-employment services. "(c) PROCEDURES.— " (1) IN GENERAL. —Each State shall ejtablish procedures for mediation of, and procedures for review through an impartial due process hearing of, determinations made by personnel of the designated State unit that affect the provision of vocational rehabilitation services to applicants or eligible individuals. " (2) NOTIFICATION.— "(A) RIGHTS AND ASSiSTANCE.The procedures shall provide that an applicant or an eligible individual or, as appropriate, the applicant's representative or individual's representative shall be notified of— "(i) the right to obtain review of determinations described in paragraph (1) in an impartial due process hearing under paragraph (5); "(ii) the right to pursue mediation with respect to the determinations under paragraph (4); and "(iii) the availability of assistance from the client assistance program under section 112. "(B) TIMING.—- Such notification shall be provided in writing— "(i) at the time an individugd applies for vocational rehabilitation services provided under this title; "(ii) at the time the individualized plan for employ- ment for the individual is developed; and