Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/468

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112 STAT. 1352 PUBLIC LAW 105-225—AUG. 12, 1998 of the study of the law and the science of jurisprudence and research in jurisprudence, through the maintenance of a law library, the establishment of seminars, lectures, and studies devoted to the law, and the publication of addresses, essays, treatises, reports, and other literary works by students, practitioners, and teachers of the law; and (E) to provide for the acquisition, preservation, and exhibition of rare books and documents, sculptures, paintings, and other objects of art and historical interest relating to the law, the courts, and the legal profession; and (3) to do any other acts necessary or incident to the accomplishment of these purposes. §70503. Membership (a) MEMBERS. —The members of the corporation are— (1) the members of the National Council of the Federal Bar Association, a nonprofit corporation incorporated in the District of Columbia, during their term of membership on that Council; and (2) other individuals the corporation provides for in the bylaws or otherwise. (b) VOTING. —Each member has one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members. (c) GROUNDS FOR DISQUALIFICATION.— An individual may not be a member, director, or officer of the corporation if the individual— (1) is a member of, or advocates the principles of, an organization believing in, or working for, the overthrow of the United States Government by force or violence; or (2) refuses to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. §70504. Governing body (a) BOARD OF DIRECTORS.—(1) The board of directors is the governing body of the corporation. The board may exercise, or provide for the exercise of, the powers of the corporation. (2) The board shall consist of 12 individuals elected, and subject to removal at any time, by a majority vote of the members of the corporation. The term of office of an elected director is 6 years. A vacancy on the board shall be filled by a majority vote of the members of the corporation. (3) The board shall meet at least annually. Each director has one vote on each matter decided by the board. The board may delegate its powers to a prudential committee subject to the direction of, and reporting to, the board. (4) The president of the corporation is the chairman of the board and of the prudential committee. (b) OFFICERS. —(1) The officers of the corporation are a president, a vice president, a secretary, a treasurer, a historian, and other officers provided for in the bylaws. The powers of the officers are as provided in the bylaws. (2) The officers shall be elected by the board of directors at its annual meeting. The term of office of an officer is 1 year. §70505. Powers The corporation may—