Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/66

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112 STAT. 950 PUBLIC LAW 105-220—AUG. 7, 1998 (ii) a description of how the State consulted with chief elected officiEds in local areas throughout the State in determining such distribution; (B) assurances that the funds will be distributed equitably throughout the State, and that no local areas will suffer significant shifts in funding from year to year; and (C) a description of the formula prescribed by the Governor pursuant to section 133(b)(2)(B) for the allocation of funds to local areas for dislocated worker employment and training activities; (13) information specifying the actions that constitute a conflict of interest prohibited in the State for purposes of sections 111(f) and 117(g); (14) with respect to the one-stop delivery systems described in section 134(c) (referred to individually in this title as a "one-stop delivery system"), a description of the strategy of the State for assisting local areas in development and implementation of fully operational one-stop delivery systems in the State; (15) a description of the appeals process referred to in section 116(a)(5); (16) a description of the competitive process to be used by the State to award grants and contrad;s in the State for activities carried out under this title; (17) with respect to the employment and training activities authorized in section 134— (A) a description of— (i) the employment and training activities that will be carried out with the funds received by the State through the allotment made under section 132; (ii) how the State will provide rapid response activities to dislocated workers from funds reserved under section 133(a)(2) for such purposes, including the designation of an identifiable State rapid response dislocated worker unit to carry out statewide rapid response activities; (iii) the procedures the local boards in the State will use to identify eligible providers of training services described in section 134(d)(4) (other than on-thejob training or customized training), as required under section 122; and (iv) how the State will serve the employment and training needs of dislocated workers (including displaced homemakers), low-income individuals (including recipients of public assistsmce), individuals training for nontraditional employment, and other individuals with multiple barriers to employment (including older individuals and individuals with disabilities); and (B) an assurance that veterans will be afforded the employment and training activities by the State, to the extent practicable; and (18) with respect to youth activities authorized in section 129, information— (A) describing the State strategy for providing comprehensive services to eligible youth, particularly those eligible youth who are recognized as having significant barriers to employment;