Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/716

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112 STAT. 1600 PUBLIC LAW 105-244r-OCT. 7, 1998 under this paragraph. The committee may include representatives of Federal departments or agencies the programs of which include alcohol abuse prevention and education efforts and drug abuse prevention and education efforts, directors or heads (or their representatives) of professional associations that focus on alcohol and drug abuse prevention efforts, and non-Federal scientists who have backgrounds in social science evaluation and research methodology and in education. Decisions of the committee shall be made directly to the Secretary without review by any other entity in the Department. "(C) REVIEW CRITERIA. — The committee described in subparagraph (B) shall develop specific review criteria for reviewing and evaluating applications submitted under this paragraph. The review criteria shall include— "(i) measures of the effectiveness of the program of the institution, that includes changes in the campus alcohol or other drug environment or the.climate and changes in alcohol or other drug use before and after the initiation of the program; "(ii) measures of program institutionalization, including— "(1) an assessment of needs of the institution; "(II) the institution's alcohol and drug policies, staff and faculty development activities, drug prevention criteria, student, faculty, and campus community involvement; and "(III) whether the program will be continued after the cessation of Federal funding; and "(iii) with respect to an application for an alcohol prevention program award, criteria for determining whether the institution has policies in effect that— "(I) prohibit alcoholic beverage sponsorship of athletic events, and prohibit alcoholic beverage advertising inside athletic facilities; "(II) prohibit alcoholic beverage marketing on campus, which may include efforts to ban alcohol advertising in institutional publications or efforts to prohibit alcohol-related advertisements at campus events; " (III) establish or expand upon alcohol-free living arrangements for all college students; "(IV) establish partnerships with community members and organizations to further alcohol prevention efforts on campus and the areas surrounding campus; and "(V) establish innovative communications programs involving students and faculty in an effort to educate students about alcohol-related risks. "(4) ELIGIBILITY.— In order to be eligible to receive a National Recognition Award an institution of higher education shall— "(A) offer an associate or baccalaureate degree; "(B) have established an alcohol abuse prevention and education program or a drug abuse prevention and education program;