Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/771

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PUBLIC LAW 105-244—OCT. 7, 1998 112 STAT. 1655 "(10) work-study positions where youth participating in the project are exposed to careers requiring a postsecondary degree; "(11) special services to enable veterans to make the transition to postsecondary education; and"; and (E) in paragraph (12) (as redesignated by subparagraph (O), by striking "(9)" and inserting "(11)"; and (2) in subsection (e), by striking "and not in excess of $40 per month during the remaining period of the year." and inserting "except that youth participating in a work-study position under subsection (b)(10) may be paid a stipend of $300 per month during June, July, and August. Youths participating in a project proposed to be carried out under any application may be paid stipends not in excess of $40 per month during the remaining period of the year.". (d) STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES. —Paragraph (6) of section 402D(c) (20 U.S.C. 1070a-14(c)(6)) is amended to read as follows: "(6) consider, in addition to such other criteria as the Secretary may prescribe, the institution's effort, and where applicable past history, in— "(A) providing sufficient financial assistance to meet the full financial need of each student in the project; and "(B) maintaining the loan burden of each such student at a manageable level.". (e) POSTBACCALAUREATE ACHIEVEMENT PRCXJRAM. —Section 402E(e)(l) (20 U.S.C. 1070a-15(e)(l)) is amended by striking " $2,400" and inserting "$2,800 ". (f) STAFF DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES.— Section 402G (20 U.S.C. 1070a-17) is amended— (1) in subsection (a), by inserting "participating in," after "leadership personnel employed in,"; and (2) in subsection (b), by inserting sifter paragraph (3) the following new paragraph: "(4) The use of appropriate educational technology in the operation of projects assisted under this chapter.". (g) EVALUATION AND DISSEMINATION.— Section 402H (20 U.S.C. 1070a-18) is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 402H. EVALUATIONS AND GRANTS FOR PROJECT IMPROVEMENT AND DISSEMINATION PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS. "(a) EVALUATIONS. — "(1) IN GENERAL. —For the purpose of improving the effectiveness of the programs and projects assisted under this chapter, the Secretary may make grants to or enter into contracts with institutions of higher education and other public and private institutions and organizations to evaluate the effectiveness of the programs and projects assisted under this chapter. "(2) PRACTICES.— The evaluations described in paragraph (1) shall identify institutional, community, and program or project practices that are particularly effective in enhancing the access of low-income individuals and first-generation college students to postsecondary education, the preparation of the individuals and students for postsecondary education, and the success of the individuals and students in postsecondary education. Such evaluations shall also investigate the effectiveness of alternative and innovative methods within Federal TRIO