Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/8

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Vlll LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS PUBLIC LAW 105-173.... To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to modify and extend the visa waiver pilot program, and to provide for the collection of data with respect to the number of nonimmigrants who remain in the United States after the expiration of the period of stay authorized by the Attorney General. 105-174.... 1998 Supplemental Appropriations and Rescissions Act.... 105-175.... Expressing the sense of the Congress on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the modern State of Israel and reaflirming the bonds of friendship and cooperation between the United States and Israel. 105-176.... To amend chapter 61 of title 31, United States Code, to allow the S^metary of the Treasury greater discretion with regard to the placement of the required inscriptions on quarter dollars issued under the 50 States Conmiemorative Coin Program. 105-177.... To extend certain programs under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. 105-178.... Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century 105-179.... To redesignate the Federal building located at 717 Madison Place, NW.. in the District of Columbia, as the "Howard T. Markey National Courts Building". 105-180.... Care for Pblioe Survivors Act of 1998 105-181.... BulletproofVestPartnershipGrant Act of 1998 105-182.... To extend the legislative authority for the Board of Regents of Gunston Hall to establish a memorial to honor George Mason. 105-183.... Religious Liberty and Charitable Donation Protection Act of 1998. 105-184.... Telemarketing Fraud Prevention Act of 1998 105-185.... Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reform Act of 1998. 105-186.... U.S. Holocaust Assets Commission Act of 1998 105-187.... Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act of 1998 105-188.... To permit the mineral leasing of Indian land located within the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in any case in which there is consent from a majority interest in the parcel of land under consideration for lease. 105-189.... To extend the deadline under the Federal Power Act for the construction of a hydroelectric project located in the State of Washington, and for other purposes. 105-190.... To extend the deadline under the Federal Power Act for the construction of a hydroelectric project located in the State of Washington, and for other purposes. 105-191.... To extend the deadline under the Federal Power Act applicable to the construction of the AuSable Hydroelectric Rpoject in New York, and for other purposes. 105-192.... To extend the deadline under the Federal Pbwer Act for the construction of the Bear Creek Hydroelectric Project in the State of Washington, and for other purposes. 105-193.... To extend the deadline under the Federal Power Act for the construction of a hydroelectric project located in the State of Washington, and for other purposes. 105-194.... Agriculture Export ReliefAct of 1998 105-195.... To validate certain conveyances in the City of Tulare, Tulare County, California, and for other purposes. 105-196.... National Bone Marrow Registry Reauthorization Act of 1998. 105-197.... Occupational Safety and Health Administration Compliance Assistance Authorization Act of 1998. DATE Apr. 27, 1998 May 1, 1998. May 11, 1998 PAGE 56 58 102 May 29, 1998 104 June 1, 1998.... June 9, 1998.... June 16, 1998.. June 16, 1998.. June 16, 1998.. June 19, 1998.. June 19, 1998.. June 23, 1998.. June 23, 1998.. June 23, 1998.. June 24, 1998.. July 7, 1998 July 14, 1998... July 14, 1998... July 14, 1998... July 14, 1998, July 14, 1998... July 14, 1998... July 16, 1998... July 16, 1998... July 16, 1998... . 105 . 107 . 510 . 511 . 512 . 516 . 517 . 520 . 523 . 611 . 618 . 620 , 622 , 623 . 624 625 626 . 627 . 629 631 . 638