Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/86

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112 STAT. 970 PUBLIC LAW 105-220—AUG. 7, 1998 (3) IDENTIFICATION OF ELIGIBLE PROVIDERS.— A provider who is placed or retained on the Ust under paragraph (1), and is not removed by the designated State agency under paragraph (2), for a program, shall be considered to be identified as an eligible provider of training services for the program. (4) AVAILABILITY. — (A) STATE LIST. —The designated State agency shall compile a single list of the providers identified under paragraph (3) from all local areas in the State and disseminate such list, and the performance information and program cost information described in paragraph (1), to the onestop delivery systems within the State. Such list and information shall be made widely available to participants in employment and training activities authorized under section 134 and others through the one-stop delivery system. (B) SELECTION FROM STATE LIST. —Individuals eligible to receive training services under section 134(d)(4) shall have the opportunity to select any of the eligible providers, from any of the local areas in the State, that are included on the list described in subparagraph (A) to provide the services, consistent with the requirements of section 134. (5) ACCEPTANCE OF INDIVIDUAL TRAINING ACCOUNTS BY OTHER STATES.— States may enter into agreements, on a reciprocal basis, to permit eligible providers of training services in a State to accept individual training accounts provided in another State. (f) ENFORCEMENT.— (1) ACCURACY OF INFORMATION. — If the designated State agency, after consultation with the local board involved, determines that an eligible provider or individual supplying information on behalf of the provider intentionally supplies inaccurate information under this section, the agency shall terminate the eligibility of the provider to receive funds described in subsection (a) for any program for a period of time, but not less than 2 years. (2) NONCOMPLIANCE.— If the designated State agency, or the local board working with the State agency, determines that an eligible provider described in subsection (a) substantially violates any requirement under this Act, the agency, or the local board working with the State agency, may terminate the eligibility of such provider to receive funds described in subsection (a) for the program involved or take such other action as the agency or local board determines to be appropriate. (3) REPAYMENT.—A provider whose eligibility is terminated under paragraph (1) or (2) for a program shall be liable for repayment of all funds described in subsection (a) received for the program during any period of noncompliance described in such paragraph. (4) CONSTRUCTION.— This subsection and subsection (g) shall be construed to provide remedies and penalties that supplement, but do not supplant, other civil and criminal remedies and penalties. Procedures. (g) APPEAL.— The Governor shall establish procedures for providers of training services to appeal a denial of eligibility by the local board or the designated State agency under subsection (b), (c), or (e), a termination of eligibility or other action by the