Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/898

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112 STAT. 1782 PUBLIC LAW 105-244—OCT. 7, 1998 "(c) APPLICATION. —Each institution or consortium desiring a grant under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and accompanied by such information and assurances as the Secretary may reasonably require. "(d) MATCH REQUIRED. — The Federal share of the total cost of carrying out a program supported by a grant under this section shall not oe more than 66% percent. The non-Federal share of such cost may be provided either in-kind or in cash, and may include contributions from private sector corporations or foundations.". 20 USC 1127. " SEC. 607. SELECTION OF CERTAIN GRANT RECIPIENTS. "(a) COMPETITIVE GRANTS.— The Secretary shall award grants under section 602 competitively on the basis of criteria that separately, but not less rigorously, evaluates the applications for comprehensive and undergraduate language and area centers and programs. "(b) SELECTION CRITERIA. —The Secretary shall set criteria for grants awarded under section 602 by which a determination of excellence shall be made to meet the differing objectives of graduate and undergraduate institutions. "(c) EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF GRANTS.— The Secretary shall, to the extent practicable, award grants under this psirt (other than section 602) in such manner as to achieve an equitable distribution of the grant funds throughout the United States, based on the merit of a proposal as determined pursuant to a peer review process involving broadly representative professionals. 20 USC 1128. " SEC. 608. EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF CERTAIN FUNDS. "(a) SELECTION CRITERIA. —The Secretary shall make excellence the criterion for selection of grants awarded under section 602. "(b) EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION. —TO the extent practicable and consistent with the criterion of excellence, the Secretary shall award grants under this part (other than section 602) in such a manner as will achieve an equitable distribution of funds throughout the United States. " (c) SUPPORT FOR UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION.— The Secretary shall also award grants under this part in such manner as to ensure that an appropriate portion of the funds appropriated for this part (as determined by the Secretary) are used to support undergraduate education. 20 USC 1128a. " SEC. 609. AMERICAN OVERSEAS RESEARCH CENTERS. Contracts. "(a) CENTERS AUTHORIZED.— The Secretary is authorized to make grants to and enter into contracts with any American overseas research center that is a consortium of institutions of higher education (hereafter in this section referred to as a "center") to enable such center to promote postgraduate research, exchanges and area studies. "(b) USE OF GRANTS.— Grants made and contracts entered into pursuant to this section may be used to pay all or a portion of the cost of establishing or operating a center or program, including— "(1) the cost of faculty and staff stipends and salaries; "(2) the cost of faculty, staff, and student travel; "(3) the cost of the operation and maintenance of overseas facilities; "(4) the cost of teaching and research materials;