Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/916

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112 STAT. 1800 PUBLIC LAW 105-244—OCT. 7, 1998 20 USC 1139d. 20 USC 1139e. 20 USC 1139f. Publication. Records. Establishment. "(7) Campus and community crime prevention, including enhanced security and safety awareness measures as well as coordinated programs addressing the root causes of crime. "(8) Urban housing. "(9) Urban infrastructure. "(10) Economic development. "(11) Urban environmental concerns. "(12) Other problem areas which participants in the consortium described in section 753(a)(2)(B) concur are of high priority in the urban area. "(13)(A) Problems faced by individuals with disabilities regarding accessibility to institutions of higher education and other public and private community facilities. "(B) Amelioration of existing attitudinal barriers that prevent full inclusion by individuals with disabilities in their community. "(14) Improving access to technology in local communities. 'SEC. 756. PEER REVIEW. "The Secretary shall designate a peer review panel to review applications submitted under this part and make recommendations for funding to the Secretary. In selecting the peer review panel, the Secretary may consult with other appropriate Cabinet-level officials and with non-Federal organizations, to ensure that the panel will be geographically balanced and be composed of representatives from public and private institutions of higher education, labor, business, and State and local government, who have expertise in urban community service or in education. ' SEC. 766. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS. " (a) MULTIYEAR AVAILABILITY.— Subject to the availability of appropriations, grants under this part may be made on a multiyear basis, except that no institution, individually or as a participant in a consortium of such institutions, may receive such a grant for more than 5 years. " (b) EQUITABLE GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION.—The Secretary shall award grants under this part in a manner that achieves an equitable geographic distribution of such grants. "(c) MATCHING REQUIREMENT.—An applicant under this part and the local governments associated with the application shall 4x>ntribute to the conduct of the program supported by the grant an amount from non-Federal funds equal to at least one-fourth of the amount of the grant, which contribution may be in cash or in kind. •«EC. 757. DESIGNATION OF URBAN GRANT INSTITUTIONS. "The Secretary shall publish a list of eligible institutions under this part and shall designate these institutions of higher education as TTrban Grant Institutions'. The Secretary shall establish a national network of Urban Grant Institutions so that the results of individual projects achieved in one metropolitan area can then be generalized, disseminated, replicated, and applied throughout the Nation. The information developed as a result of this section shall be made available to Urban Grant Institutions and to any other interested institution of higher education by any appropriate means.