Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/192

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112 STAT. 2022 PUBLIC LAW 105-261—OCT. 17, 1998 " (e) REPORTS ON FAILURE To MEET TIMELINESS STANDARDS.— The Secretary of the military department concerned shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on National Security of the House of Representatives a report not later than June 1 following any fiscal year during which the Corrections Board of that Secretary's military department was unable to meet the applicable timeliness standard for that fiscal year under subsections (a) and (b). The report shall specify the reasons why the standard could not be met and the corrective actions initiated to ensure compliance in the future. The report shall also specify the number of waivers granted under subsection (c) during that fiscal year. "(f) CORRECTIONS BOARD DEFINED. — In this section, the term 'Corrections Board' means— "(1) with respect to the Department of the Army, the Army Board for Correction of Military Records; "(2) with respect to the Department of the Navy, the Board for Correction of Naval Records; and "(3) with respect to the Department of the Air Force, the Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records.". (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT. —The table of sections at the beginning of such chapter is amended by adding after the item relating to section 1556, as added by section 543(a)(2), the following new item: "1557. Timeliness standards for disposition of applications before Corrections Boards.". SEC. 545. SCOPE OF CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS. (a) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS ARISING FROM CORRECTION.—Subsection (c) of section 1552 of title 10, United States Code, is amended in the first sentence by inserting before the period the following: ", or on account of his or another's service as a civilian employee". (b) DEFINITION OF MILITARY RECORD. —Such section is further amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: "(g) In this section, the term 'military record' means a document or other record that pertains to (1) an individual member or former member of the armed forces, or (2) at the discretion of the Secretary of the military department concerned, any other military matter affecting a member or former member of the armed forces, an employee or former employee of that military department, or a dependent or current or former spouse of any such person. Such term does not include records pertaining to civilian employment matters (such as matters covered by title 5 and chapters 81, 83, 87, 108, 373, 605, 607, 643, and 873 of this title).". (c) REPORT. —The Secretary of Defense shall submit to Congress, not later than March 31, 1999, a report on the effect of the sixyear bar to retroactive benefits contained in section 3702 of title 31, United States Code, and the Secretary's recommendation as to whether it is appropriate for the Secretaries of the military departments to have authority to waive that limitation in selected cases involving implementation of decisions of the Secretary of a military department under chapter 79 of title 10, United States Code. The report shall be prepared in consultation with the Secretaries of the military departments.