Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/276

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112 STAT. 2106 PUBLIC LAW 105-261—OCT. 17, 1998 Subtitle D—Other Matters SEC. 931. FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN DEFENSE ACQUISITION AND SUP- PORT WORKFORCE. (a) REDUCTION OF DEFENSE ACQUISITION AND SUPPORT WORKFORCE. — The Secretary of Defense shall accomplish reductions in defense acquisition and support personnel positions during fiscal year 1999 so that the total number of such personnel as of October 1, 1999, is less than the total number of such personnel as of October 1, 1998, by at least the applicable number determined under subsection (b). (b) REQUIRED REDUCTION. —(1) The applicable number for purposes of subsection (a) is 25,000. However, the Secretary of Defense may specify a lower number, which may not be less than 12,500, as the applicable number for purposes of subsection (a) if the Secretary determines, and certifies to Congress not later than May 1, 1999, that an applicable number greater than the number specified by the Secretary would be inconsistent with the cost-effective management of the defense acquisition system to obtain best value equipment and with ensuring military readiness. (2) The Secretary shall include with such a certification a report setting forth a detailed explanation of each of the matters certified. The report shall include— (A) a detailed explanation of all matters incorporated in the Secretary's determination; (B) a definition of the components of the defense acquisition and support positions; and (C) the allocation of the reductions under this section among the occupational elements of those positions. (3) The authority of the Secretary under paragraph (1) may only be delegated to the Deputy Secretary of Defense. (c) LIMITATION ON REDUCTION OF CORE ACQUISITION WORKFORCE. —The Secretary shall implement this section so that the core defense acquisition workforce identified by the Secretary in the report submitted pursuant to section 912(b) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998 (Public Law 105- 85; 111 Stat. 1860) is reduced proportionally no more than the other occupational elements included as defense acquisition and support positions in that report. (d) DEFENSE ACQUISITION AND SUPPORT PERSONNEL DEFINED. — For purposes of this section, the term "defense acquisition and support personnel" means military and civilian personnel (other than civilian personnel who are employed at a maintenance depot) who are assigned to, or employed in, acquisition organizations of the Department of Defense (as specified in Department of Defense Instruction numbered 5000.58 dated January 14, 1992), and any other organizations which the Secretary may determine to have a predominantly acquisition mission. SEC 932. LIMITATION ON OPERATION AND SUPPORT FUNDS FOR THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE. Of the amount available for fiscal year 1999 for operation and support activities of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, not more than 90 percent may be obligated until each of the following reports has been submitted: