Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/332

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112 STAT. 2162 PUBLIC LAW 105-261—OCT. 17, 1998 SEC. 1302. FUNDING ALLOCATIONS. (a) FUNDING FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES. —Of the amounts authorized to be appropriated to the Department of Defense for fiscal year 1999 in section 301(23), $440,400,000 shall be available to carry out Cooperative Threat Reduction programs, of which not more than the following amounts may be obligated for the purposes specified: (1) For strategic offensive arms elimination in Russia, $142,400,000. (2) For strategic nuclear arms elimination in Ukraine, $47,500,000. (3) For activities to support warhead dismantlement processing in Russia, $9,400,000. (4) For activities associated with chemical weapons destruction in Russia, $88,400,000. (5) For weapons transportation security in Russia, $10,300,000. (6) For planning, design, and construction of a storage facility for Russian fissile material, $60,900,000. (7) For weapons storage security in Russia, $41,700,000. (8) For development of a cooperative program with the Government of Russia to eliminate the production of weapons grade plutonium at Russian reactors, $29,800,000. (9) For biological weapons proliferation prevention activities in Russia, $2,000,000. (10) For activities designated as Other Assessments/ Administrative Support, $8,000,000. (b) LIMITED AUTHORITY To VARY INDIVIDUAL AMOUNTS. —(1) If the Secretary of Defense determines that it is necessary to do so in the national interest, the Secretary may, subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), obligate amounts for the purposes stated in any of the paragraphs of subsection (a) in excess of the amount specified for those purposes in that paragraph. However, the total amount obligated for the purposes stated in the paragraphs in subsection (a) may not by reason of the use of the authority provided in the preceding sentence exceed the sum of the amounts specified in those paragraphs. (2) An obligation for the purposes stated in any of the paragraphs in subsection (a) in excess of the amount specified in that paragraph may be made using the authority provided in paragraph (1) only after— (A) the Secretary submits to Congress notification of the intent to do so together with a complete discussion of the justification for doing so; and (B) 15 days have elapsed following the date of the notification. (3) The Secretary may not, under the authority provided in paragraph (1), obligate amounts appropriated for the purposes stated in any of paragraphs (3) through (10) of subsection (a) in excess of 115 percent of the amount stated in those paragraphs. SEC. 1303. PROHIBITION ON USE OF FUNDS FOR SPECIFIED PURPOSES. (a) IN GENERAL. —No fiscal year 1999 Cooperative Threat Reduction funds, and no funds appropriated for Cooperative Threat Reduction programs for any prior fiscal year and remaining available for obligation, may be obligated or expended for any of the following purposes: