Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/530

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112 STAT. 2360 PUBLIC LAW 105-265—OCT. 19, 1998 "SEC. 1005. IDENTIFICATION, REVIEW, AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PROPOSALS. "(a) IN GENERAL. — The Director, in consultation with the Committee, shall encoura^fe the development and, subject to the availability of appropriations, the implementation of proposals based on the results of the Report. "(b) IDENTIFICATION OF PROPOSALS.— "(1) REQUEST BY THE DIRECTOR.—The Director shall annually request that State Directors and Indian tribes, in cooperation or partnership with other interested entities and based on the results of the Report, submit proposals for the restoration offish and wildlife resources. "(2) REQUIREMENTS FOR PROPOSALS.— ^A proposal under paragraph (1) shall be submitted in the manner and form prescribed by the Director and shall be consistent with the ^oals of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, as revised m 1987, the 1954 Great Lakes Fisheries Convention, the 1980 Joint Strategic Plan for the Management of Great Lakes fishery resources, the Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 1990 (16 U.S.C. 4701 et seq.), and the North American Waterfowl Management Plan and joint ventures established under the plan. "(3) SEA LAMPREY AUTHORITY. —The Great Lakes Fishery Commission shall retain authority and responsibihty for formulation and implementation of a comprehensive program for eradicating^ or minimizing sea lamprey populations in me Great Lakes Basm. " (c) REVIEW OF PROPOSALS. — "(1) ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMITTEE.— T here is established the Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Proposal Review Committee, which shall operate under the guidance of the Council of Lake Committees of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission. "(2) MEMBERSHIP AND APPOINTMENT.— "(A) IN GENERAL.— The Committee shall consist of representatives of all State Directors and Indian tribes with Great Lakes fish and wildlife management authority in the Great Lakes Basin. "(B) APPOINTMENTS. —State Directors and Tribal Chairs shall appoint their representatives, who shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority. "(C) OBSERVER.—The Great Lakes Coordinator of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service shall participate as an observer of the Committee. "(D) RECUSAL. —^A member of the Committee shall recuse himself or herself from consideration of proposals that the member, or the entity that the member represents, has submitted. "(3) FUNCTIONS. —The Committee shall at least annually— "(A) review proposals developed in accordance with subsection (b) to assess their effectiveness and appropriateness in fulfilling the purposes of this title; and "(B) recommend to the Director any of those proposals that should be funded and implemented under this section. "(d) IMPLEMENTATION OF PROPOSALS. — After considering recommendations of the Committee and the goals specified in section 1006, the Director shall select proposals to be implemented