Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/774

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112 STAT. 2604 PUBLIC LAW 105-27&—OCT. 21, 1998 necessary for the relocation of families residing in public housing who are victims of a crime of violence (as that term is defined in section 16 of title 18, United States Code) that has been reported to an appropriate law enforcement agency. "(ii) NOTICE.—A public housing agency that receives amounts under this subparagraph shall establish procedures for providing notice of the availability of that assistance to families that may be eligible for that assistance. "(17) DEED RESTRICTIONS.— Assistance under this subsection may not be used in any manner that abrogates any local deed restriction that applies to any housing consisting of 1 to 4 dwelling imits. This paragraph may not be construed to affect the provisions or applicability of the Fair Housing Act.". (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT. —Section 8(f)(6) of the United States Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 1437f[f)(6)) is amended by inserting "or (o)(13)" after "(d)(2)". 42 USC I437f (c) APPLICABILITY. —Notwithstanding the amendment made by °o*«- subsection (a) of this section, any amendments to section 8(o) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437f(o)) that are contained in title II of this Act shall apply with respect to the provision of assistance under such section during the period before implementation (pursuant to section 559 of this title) of such section 8(o) as amended by subsection (a) of this section. SEC. 546. PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCIES. Section 3(b)(6) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437a(b)(6)) is amended to read as follows: "(6) PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY.— "(A) IN GENERAL.— Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the term 'public housing agency* means any State, county, municipality, or other governmental entity or public body (or agency or instrumentality thereof) which is authorized to engage in or assist in the development or operation of public housing. "(B) SECTION 8 PROGRAM.— For purposes of the program for tenant-based assistance under section 8, such term includes— "(i) a consortia of public housing agencies that the Secretary determines has the capacity and capability to administer a program for assistance under such section in an efficient manner; "(ii) any other public or private nonprofit entity that, upon the effective date under section 503(a) of the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998, was administering any program for tenant-based assistance under section 8 of this Act (as in effect before the effective date of such Act), pursuant to a contract with the Secretary or a public housing agency; and "(iii) with respect to any area in which no public housing agency has been organized or where the Secretary determines that a public housing agency is unwilling or ,,, unable to implement a program for tenant-based assistance section 8, or is not performing effectively—