Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/795

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PUBLIC LAW 105-276—OCT. 21, 1998 112 STAT. 2625 administering public housing and tenant-based rental assistance programs and of other providers of federally assisted housing, which are alternatives to oversight by the Department of Housing and Urban Development; and (2) to identify specific monitoring and oversight activities currently conducted by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and to evaluate whether such activities should be eliminated, expanded, modified, or transferred to other entities (including governmental and private entities) to increase accuracy and effectiveness and improve monitoring. (c) EVALUATION OF VARIOUS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYS- TEMS.— To carry out the purposes under subsection (b), the study under this section shall identify, and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of regulating and evaluating the performance of public housing agencies and other providers of federally assisted housing, including the following methods: (1) CURRENT SYSTEM. —The system pursuant to the United States Housing Act of 1937, including the methods and requirements under such system for reporting, auditing, reviewing, sanctioning, and monitoring of such agencies and housing providers and the public housing management assessment program pursuant to section 6(j) of the United States Housing Act of 1937. (2) ACCREDITATION MODELS.—Various models that are based upon accreditation of such agencies and housing providers, subject to the following requirements: (A) The study shall identify and analyze various models used in other industries and professions for accreditation and determine the extent of their applicability to the programs for public housing and federally assisted housing. (B) If any accreditation models are determined to be applicable to the public and federally assisted housing programs, the study shall identify appropriate goals, objectives, and procedures for an accreditation program for such agencies and housing providers. (C) The study shall evaluate the feasibility and merit of establishing an independent accreditation and evaluation entity to assist, supplement, or replace the role of the Department of Housing and Urban Development in assessing and monitoring the performance of such agencies and housing providers. (D) The study shall identify the necessary and appropriate roles and responsibilities of various entities that would be involved in an accreditation program, including the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Inspector General of the Department, an accreditation entity, independent auditors and examiners, local entities, and public housing agencies. (E) The study shall estimate the costs involved in developing and maintaining such an independent accreditation program. (3) PERFORMANCE BASED MODELS.— Various performancebased models, including systems that establish performance goals or targets, assess the compliance with such goals or targets, and provide for incentives or sanctions based on performance relative to such goals or targets.