Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/840

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112 STAT. 2670 PUBLIC LAW 105-276—OCT. 21, 1998 Florida. Bethune- Cookman College. Contracts. Rhode Island. 42 USC 1436d note. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, this subsection shall take affect only to the extent specifically provided in a subsequent appropriations Act. (j) COMMUNITY SERVICES DEMONSTRATION. — (1) AUTHORITY.—The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall, to the extent amounts are appropriated to ceury out this subsection, provide financial assistance to the Bethune-Cookman College in Volusia County, Florida (in this subsection referred to as the "College"), in accordance with the provisions of this subsection, for the College to establish and operate, as a national demonstration, the Bethune- Cookman Community Services Student Union Center. (2) USE. —Any financial assistsince provided to the College piu*sueuit to this subsection shall be used by the College for the construction, maintenance, and endowment of the Bethune- Cookman Community Services Student Union Center through— (A) the acquisition of necessary equipment, including utility vehicles; or (B) the acquisition of necessary real property; (3) APPLICATION.— The Secretary shall provide financied assistsuice under this subsection only pursuant to application by the College for such assistance at such time, in such manner, and providing such information as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may reasonably require. (4) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for assistance under this subsection. Any amoiuits appropriated piu'suant to this subsection shall remain avsulable until expended. (k) INDEPENDENCE SQUARE FOUNDATION.— Notwithstanding any other provision of law, including 28 U.S.C. 516, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall enforce the use agreement entered into between the Secretary and the Independence SquEu-e Foundation of Newport, Rhode Island: Provided further. That such enforcement shall include the option of instituting civil litigation to determine the current applicability of the aforementioned use agreement or petition for the issuance of an injunction to prevent the demohtion of the property subject to the eiforementioned use agreement. (1) REMOVAL OF HOPE VI DEMOLITION REQUIREMENT. —The Secretary may approve otherwise qualified applications received in response to a notice published at 63 Federal Register 15489 (March 31, 1998) for grants from the $26,000,000 set-aside of amounts made available under the head 'REVITALIZATION OF SEVERELY DISTRESSED PUBLIC HOUSING (HOPE VI)' in the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1998 (Public Law 105-65, 111 Stat. 1354) without regard to whether such apphcations propose or plan demohtion of obsolete public housing projects. (m) EFFECTIVE DATE. —This section shall take effect on, and the amendments made by this section are made on, and shall apply beginning upon, the date of the enactment of this Act. TITLE VI—FHA PROPERTY DISPOSITION REFORM SEC. 601. SINGLE FAMILY CLAIMS REFORM AND SALE OF PROPERTY, (a) REVISION OF CLAIMS PROCEDURES. — Section 204