Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 4.djvu/184

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112 STAT. 2681-155 PUBLIC LAW 105-277—OCT. 21, 1998 $2,500,000 may be transferred to "International Organizations and Programs" for a contribution to the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD): Provided further. That none of the funds appropriated under this heading may be made available for any activity which is in contravention to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES): Provided further. That none of the funds appropriated under this heading may be made available for assistance for the central Government of the Republic of South Africa, until the Secretary of State reports in writing to the appropriate committees of the Congress on the steps being taken by the United States Government to work with the Government of the Republic of South Africa to negotiate the repeal, suspension, or termination of section 15(c) of South Africa's Medicines and Related Substances Control Amendment Act No. 90 of 1997: Provided further. That of the funds appropriated under this heading that are made available for assistance programs for displaced and orphaned children and victims of war, not to exceed $25,000, in addition to funds otherwise available for such purposes, may be used to monitor and provide oversight of such programs: Provided further, That of the funds appropriated under this heading, not less than $1,500,000 should be made available for agriculture programs in Laos: Provided further, That of the funds appropriated under this heading not less than $500,000 should be made available for support of the United States T?elecommunications Training Institute: Provided further. That, of the funds made available by this Act for the "Microenterprise Initiative" (including any local currencies made available for the purposes of the Initiative), not less than 50 percent of the funds used for microcredit should be made available for support of programs providing loans of less than $300 to very poor people, particularly women, or for institutional support of organizations primarily engaged in making such loans. CYPRUS Of the funds appropriated under the headings "Development Assistance" and "Economic Support Fund", not less than $15,000,000 shall be made available for Cyprus to be used only for scholarships, administrative support of the scholarship program, bicommunal projects, and measures aimed at reunification of the island and designed to reduce tensions and promote peace and cooperation between the two communities on C5rprus. BURMA Of the funds appropriated under the headings "Economic Support Fund" and "Development Assistance", not less thein $6,500,000 shall be made available to support democracy activities in Burma, democracy and humanitarian activities along the Burma-Thailand border, and for Burmese student groups and other organizations located outside Burma: Provided, That funds made available for Burma-related activities under this heading may be made available notwithstanding any other provision of law: Provided further, That the provision of such funds shall be made available subject to the regular notification procedures of the Committees on Appropriations.