Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 4.djvu/217

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PUBLIC LAW 105-277—OCT. 21, 1998 112 STAT. 2681-188 appropriated by this Act may not be obligated for assistance for the Palestine Liberation Organization for the West Bank and Gaza. WAR CRIMES TRIBUNALS DRAWDOWN SEC. 554. If the President determines that doing so will contribute to a just resolution of charges regarding genocide or other violations of international humanitarian law, the President may direct a drawdown pursueint to section 552(c) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, of up to $30,000,000 of commodities and services for the United Nations War Crimes Tribunal established with regard to the former Yugoslavia by the United Nations Security Council or such other tribunals or commissions as the Council may establish to deal with such violations, without regard to the ceiling limitation contained in paragraph (2) thereof: Provided, That the determination required under this section shall be in lieu of any determinations otherwise required under section 552(c): Provided further. That sixty days after the date of enactment 22 USC 2656 of this Act, and every one hundred eighty days thereafter, the note. Secretary of State shall submit a report to the Committees on Appropriations describing the steps the United States Government is taking to collect information regarding allegations of genocide or other violations of international law in the former Yugoslavia and to ftimish that information to the United Nations Weir Crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia: Provided further. That the drawdown made under this section for any tribunal shall not be construed as an endorsement or precedent for the establishment of any standing or permeinent international criminal tribunal or court: Provided further, That funds made available for tribunals or commissions other than for Yugoslavia or Rwanda shall be made available subject to the regular notification procedures of the Committees on Appropriations. LANDMINES SEC. 555. Notwithstanding Einy other provision of law, demining equipment available to the.^ency for International Development and the Department of State and used in support of the clearance of landmines and unexploded ordnance for humanitsirian purposes may be disposed of on a grant basis in foreign countries, subject to such terms and conditions as the President may prescribe. RESTRICTIONS CONCERNING THE PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY SEC. 556. None of the funds appropriated by this Act may be obligated or expended to create in any part of Jerusalem a new office of any department or agency of the United States Government for the purpose of conducting official United States Government business with the Palestinian Authority over Gaza and Jericho or any successor Palestinian governing entity provided for in the Israel-PLO Declaration of Principles: Provided, That this restriction shall not apply to the acquisition of additional space for the existing Consulate General in Jerusalem: Provided further. That meetings between officers and employees of the United States and officisSs of the Palestinian Authority, or any successor Palestinian governing entity provided for in the Israel-PLO Declaration of ^nciples, for tike purpose of conducting of&cial United States Government business with such authority should continue to take place in