Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 5.djvu/244

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112 STAT. 3002 PUBLIC LAW 105-317—OCT. 30, 1998 Public Law 105-317 105th Congress Oct. 30, 1998 [H.R. 3903] Glacier Bay National Park Boundary Adjustment Act of 1998. 16 USC 410hh-l note. An Act To provide for an exchange of lands located near Gustavus, Alaska, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the "Glacier Bay National Park Boundary Adjustment Act of 1998". SEC. 2. LAND EXCHANGE AND WILDERNESS DESIGNATION. (a) IN GENERAL.—(1) Subject to conditions set forth in subsection (c), if the State of Alaska, in a manner consistent with this Act, offers to transfer to the United States the lands identified in paragraph (2) in exchange for the lands identified in paragraph (4), selected from the area described in section 3(b)(1), the Secretary of the Interior (in this Act referred to as the "Secretary") shall complete such exchange no later than 6 months after the issuance of a license to Gustavus Electric Company by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (in this Act referred to as "FERC"), in accordance with this Act. This land exchange shall be subject to the laws applicable to exchanges involving lands managed by the Secretary as part of the National Park System in Alaska and the appropriate process for the exchange of State lands required by State law. (2) The lands to be conveyed to the United States by the State of Alaska shall be determined by mutual agreement of the Secretary and the State of Alaska. Lands that will be considered for conveyance to the United States pursuant to the process required by State law are lands owned by the State of Alaska in the Long Lake area within Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, or other lands owned by the State of Alaska. (3) If the Secretary and the State of Alaska have not agreed on which lands the State of Alaska will convey by a date not later than 6 months after a license is issued pursuant to this Act, the United States shall accept, within 1 year after a license is issued, title to land having a sufficiently equal value to satisfy State and Federal law, subject to clear title and valid existing rights, and absence of environmental contamination, and as provided by the laws applicable to exchanges involving lands managed by the Secretary as part of the National Park System in Alaska and the appropriate process for the exchange of State lands required by State law. Such land shall be accepted by the United States, subject to the other provisions of this Act, from among the following State lands in the priority listed: