Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 5.djvu/383

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PUBLIC LAW 105-335—OCT. 31, 1998 112 STAT. 3141 be an issue as a result of foreseeable future uses of the land: significant wildlife resources, endangered species habitat, significant archaeological resources, areas of critical environmental concern, coal resources requiring surface mining to extract the mineral deposits, wilderness study areas, significant recreational areas, or any other lands known to raise significant environmental concerns of any kind. (13) The parties further agreed that the use of any mineral interests obtained by the State of Utah where the Federal Government retains surface and other interest, will not conflict with established Federal land and environmental management objectives, and shall be fully subject to all environmental regulations applicable to development of non-Federal mineral interest on Federal lands. (14) Because the inholdings to be acquired by the Federal Government include properties within the boundaries of some of the most renowned conservation land units in the United States, and because a mission of the Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration is to produce economic benefits for Utah's public schools and other beneficiary institutions, the exchange of lands called for in this agreement will resolve many longstanding environmental conflicts and further the interest of the State trust lands, the school children of Utah, and these conservation resources. (15) The Congress finds that, under this Agreement taken as a whole, the State interests to be conveyed to the United States by the State of Utah, and the Federal interests and payments to be conveyed to the State of Utah by the United States, are approximately equal in value. (16) The purpose of this legislation is to enact into law and direct prompt implementation of this historic agreement. SEC. 3. RATIFICATION OF AGREED EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE STATE OF UTAH AND THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. (a) AGREEMENT.— The State of Utah and the Department of the Interior have agreed to exchange certain Federal lands. Federal mineral interests, and payment of money for lands and mineral interests managed by the Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration, lands and mineral interests of approximately equal value inheld within the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument the Goshute and Navajo Indian Reservations, units of the National Park System, the National Forest System, and the Alton coal fields. (b) RATIFICATION.—^AIl terms, conditions, procedures, covenants, reservations, and other provisions set forth in the document entitled "Agreement to Exchange Utah School Trust Lands Between the State of Utah and the United States of America" (herein referred to as "the Agreement") are hereby incorporated in this title, are ratified and confirmed, and set forth the obligations and commitments of the United States, the State of Utah, and Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (herein referred to as "SITLA"), as a matter of Federal law. SEC. 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS. (a) IN GENERAL. —The maps and legal descriptions referred to in the Agreement depict the lands subject to the conveyances.