Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 5.djvu/455

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PUBLIC LAW 105-348—NOV. 2, 1998 112 STAT. 3213 "SEC. 3. AUTHORITY A CORPORATION. "When created, the Authority and the members of the Authority shall constitute a public corporation and, as such, shall have perpetual succession, may contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, and have and use a common seal. " SEC. 4. PURPOSES. "The Authority may acquire, equip, maintain, and operate an airport or landing field and appurtenant facilities in Mineral County, on the Potomac River near Ridgeley, West Virginia, to serve the area in which it is located. "SEC. 5. MEMBERS OF AUTHORITY. "(a) IN GENERAL. — The management and control of the Potomac Highlands Airport Authority, its property, operations, business, and affairs, shall be lodged in a board of seven or more persons who shall be known as members of the Authority and who shall be appointed for terms of three years each by those counties, municipal corporations, or other governmental units situated in West Virginia and Maryland as contribute to the funds of the Authority, in such proportion between those States and counties, municipal corporations, and units, and in whatever manner, as may from time to time be provided in the bylaws adopted by the Authority. "(b) FIRST BOARD. —The first board shall be appointed as follows: "(1) The County Commission of Mineral County shall appoint two members for terms of two and three years, respectively. "(2) The governing official or body of the municipal corporation of Cumberlsind, Maryland, shall appoint three members for terms of one, two, and three years, respectively. " (3) The governing official or body of Allegany County, Marylsind, shall appoint two members for terms of one and two years, respectively. "SEC. 6. POWERS. "The Potomac Highlands Airport Authority has power and authority as follows: "(1) To make and adopt all necessary bylaws, rules, and regulations for its organization and operations not inconsistent with law. "(2) To take all legal actions necessary or desirable in relation to the general operation, governance, capital expansion, management, and protection of the Cumberland Municipal Airport. "(3) To increase the number of members of the Authority, and to set the terms of office and appointment procedures for those additional members. "(4) To elect its own officers, to appoint committees, and to employ and fix the compensation for personnel necessary for its operation. "(5) To enter into contracts with any person, firm, or corporation, and generally to do anything necessary for the purpose of acquiring, equipping, expanding, maintaining, and operating an airport. "(6) To delegate any authority given to it by law to any of its officers, committees, agents, or employees.