Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 5.djvu/491

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PUBLIC LAW 105-355 —NOV. 6, 1998 112 STAT. 3249 (c) ADMINISTRATION.—The Heritage Area shall be administered in accordance with this title. SEC, 105. DESIGNATION OF PARTNERSHIP AS MANAGEMENT ENTITY. (a) IN GENERAL.— The Partnership shall be the management entity for the Heritage Area. (b) FEDERAL FUNDING.— (1) AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE FUNDS.— The Partnership may receive amounts appropriated to carry out this title. (2) DISQUALIFICATION.— If a management plan for the Heritage Area is not submitted to the Secretary as required under section 106 within the time specified in that section, the Partnership shall cease to be authorized to receive Federal funding under this title until such a plan is submitted to the Secretary. (c) AUTHORITIES OF PARTNERSHIP. —The Partnership may, for purposes of preparing and implementing the management plan for the Heritage Area, use Federal funds made available under this title— (1) to make grants to the State of Michigan, its political subdivisions, nonprofit organizations, and other persons; (2) to enter into cooperative agreements with or provide technical assistance to the State of Michigan, its political subdivisions, nonprofit organizations, and other organizations; (3) to hire and compensate staff; , (4) to obtain money from any source under any program or law requiring the recipient of such money to make a contribution in order to receive such money; and (5) to contract for goods and services. (d) PROHIBITION OF ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY.— The Partnership may not use Federal funds received under this title to acquire real property or any interest in real property. SEC. 106. MANAGEMENT DUTIES OF THE AUTOMOBILE NATIONAL HERITAGE AREA PARTNERSHIP. (a) HERITAGE AREA MANAGEMENT PLAN. — (1) SUBMISSION FOR REVIEW BY SECRETARY. —The Board of Directors of the Partnership shall, within 3 years after the date of the enactment of this title, develop and submit for review to the Secretary a management plan for the Heritage Area. (2) PLAN REQUIREMENTS, GENERALLY.— ^A management plan submitted under this section shall— (A) present comprehensive recommendations for the conservation, funding, management, and development of the Heritage Area; (B) be prepared with public participation; (C) take into consideration existing Federal, State, county, and local plans and involve residents, public agencies, and private organizations in the Heritage Area; (D) include a description of actions that units of government and private organizations are recommended to take to protect the resources of the Heritage Area; and (E) specify existing and potential sources of Federal and non-Federal funding for the conservation, management, and development of the Heritage Area. (3) ADDITIONAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS.—The management plan also shall include the following, as appropriate: