Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 5.djvu/654

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112 STAT. 3412 PUBLIC LAW 105-383—NOV. 13, 1998 Sec. 405. Unreasonable obstruction to navigation. Sec. 406. Financial responsibility for oU spill response vessels. Sec. 407. Conveyance of Coast Guard property to Jacksonville University in Jacksonville, Florida. Sec. 408. Penalty for violation of International Safety Convention. Sec. 409. Coast Guard City, USA. Sec. 410. Conveyance of Communication Station Boston Marshfield Receiver Site, Massachusetts. Sec. 411. Clarification of liability of persons engaging in oil spill prevention and response activities. Sec. 412. Vessels not seagoing motor vessels. Sec. 413. Land conveyance. Coast Guard Station Ocracoke, North Carolina. Sec. 414. Conveyance of Coast Guard property in Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan. Sec. 415. Interim authority for dry bulk cargo residue disposal. Sec. 416. Conveyance of lighthouses. Sec. 417. Conveyance of Coast Guard LORAN Station Nantucket. Sec. 418. Conveyance of decommissioned Coast Guard vessels. Sec. 419. Amendment to conveyance ofvesselS/S RED OAK VICTORY. Sec. 420. Transfer of Ocracoke Light Station to Secretary of the Interior. Sec. 421. Vessel docimaentation clarification. Sec. 422. Dredge clarification. Sec. 423. Double huU alternative designs study. Sec. 424. Vessel sharing agreements. Sec. 425. Reports. Sec. 426. Report on tonnage calculation methodology. Sec. 427. Authority to convey National Defense Reserve Fleet Vessels. Sec. 428. Authority to convey National Defense Reserve Fleet Vessel, JOHN HENRY. Sec. 429. Applicability of authority to release restrictions and encumbrances. Sec. 430. Barge APL-60. Sec. 431. Vessel financing flexibility. Sec. 432. Hydrographic functions. TITLE V—ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS FOR JONES ACT WAIVERS Sec. 501. Findings. Sec. 502. Administrative waiver of coastwise trade laws. Sec. 503. Revocation. Sec. 504. Definitions. Sec. 505. Sunset. TITLE VI—HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOMS AND HYPOXLV Sec. 601. Short title. Sec. 602. Findings. Sec. 603. Assessments. Sec. 604. Northern Gulf of Mexico hypoxia. Sec. 605. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 606. Protection of States rights. TITLE I-^AUTHORIZATION SEC. 101. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. Funds are authorized to be appropriated for necessary expenses of the Coast Guard, as follows: (1) For the operation and maintengince of the Coast Guard— (A) for fiscal year 1998, $2,715,400,000; and (B) for fiscal year 1999, $2,854,700,000; of which $25,000,000 shall be derived each fiscal year from the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund to carry out the purposes of section 1012(a)(5) of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 and of which not less than $408,000,000 shall be available for expenses related to drug interdiction. (2) For the acquisition, construction, rebuilding, and improvement of aids to navigation, shore and offshore facilities, vessels, and aircraft, including equipment related thereto—