Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 5.djvu/730

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112 STAT. 3488 PUBLIC LAW 105-389 —NOV. 13, 1998 Publication. Records. (3) plan and develop, in coordination with the First Flight Centennial Commission, the First Flight Centennial Foundation of North Carolina, and the 2003 Committee of Ohio, programs and activities that are appropriate to commemorate the 100th anniversary of powered flight; (4) maintain, publish, and distribute a calendar or register of national and international programs and projects concerning, and provide a central clearinghouse for, information and coordination regarding, dates, events, and places of historical and commemorative significance regarding aviation history in general and the centennial of powered flight in particular; (5) provide national coordination for celebration dates to take place throughout the United States during the centennial year; (6) assist in conducting educational, civic, and commemorative activities relating to the centennial of powered flight throughout the United States, especially activities that occur in the States of North Carolina and Ohio and that highlight the activities of the Wright brothers in such States; and (7) encourage the publication of popular and scholarly works related to the history of aviation or the anniversary of the centennial of powered flight. (b) NONDUPLICATION OF ACTIVITIES. —The Commission shall attempt to plan and conduct its activities in such a manner that activities conducted pursuant to this Act enhance, but do not duplicate, traditional and established activities of Ohio's 2003 Committee, North Carolina's First Flight Centennial Commission, the First Flight Centennial Foundation, or any other organization of national stature or prominence. SEC. 6. POWERS. (a) ADVISORY COMMITTEES AND TASK FORCES.— (1) IN GENERAL. — The Commission may appoint any advisory committee or task force from among the membership of the Advisory Board in section 12. (2) FEDERAL COOPERATION. —To ensure the overall success of the Commission's efforts, the Commission may call upon various Federal departments and agencies to assist in and give support to the programs of the Commission. The head of the Federal department or agency, where appropriate, shall furnish the information or assistance requested by the Commission, unless prohibited by law. (3) PROHIBITION OF PAY OTHER THAN TRAVEL EXPENSES.— Members of an advisory committee or task force authorized under paragraph (1) shall not receive pay, but may receive travel expenses pursuant to the policy adopted by the Commission under section 4(c)(2). (b) POWERS OF MEMBERS AND AGENTS.— Any member or agent of the Commission may, if authorized by the Commission, take any action that the Commission is authorized to take under this Act. (c) AUTHORITY TO PROCURE AND TO MAKE LEGAL AGREE- MENTS.— (1) IN GENERAL.— Notwithstanding any other provision in this Act, only the Commission may procure supplies, services, and property, and make or enter into leases and other legal agreements in order to carry out this Act.