Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 113 Part 1.djvu/157

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PUBLIC LAW 106-36 -JUNE 25, 1999 113 STAT. 133 (2) Section 491(g) of that Act (16 U.S.C. 620c(g)) is amended by striking "Contracting Parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade" and inserting "Dispute Settlement Body of the World Trade Organization (as the term 'World Trade Organization' is defined in section 2(8) of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act)". (b) INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS ACT. —Section 1403(b) of the International Financial Institutions Act (22 U.S.C. 262n-2(b)) is amended— (1) in paragraph (1)(A) by striking "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or Article 10" and all that follows through "Trade" and inserting "GATT 1994 as defined in section 2(1)(B) of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act, or Article 3.1(a) of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures referred to in section 101(d)(12) of that Act"; and (2) in paragraph (2)(B) by striking "Article 6" and all that follows through "Trade" and inserting "Article 15 of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures referred to in subparagraph (A)". (c) BRETTON WOODS AGREEMENTS ACT.— Section 49(a)(3) of the Bretton Woods Agreements Act (22 U.S.C. 286gg(a)(3)) is amended by striking "GATT Secretariat" and inserting "Secretariat of the World Trade Organization (as the term 'World Trade Organization' is defined in section 2(8) of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act)". (d) FISHERMEN'S PROTECTIVE ACT OF 1967. —Section 8(a)(4) of the Fishermen's Protective Act of 1967 (22 U.S.C. 1978(a)(4)) is amended by striking "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade" and inserting "World Trade Organization (as defined in section 2(8) of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act) or the multilateral trade agreements (as defined in section 2(4) of that Act)". (e) UNITED STATES-HONG KONG POLICY ACT OF 1992. —Section 102(3) of the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992 (22 U.S.C. 5712(3)) is amended— (1) by striking "contracting party to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade" and inserting "WTO member country (as defined in section 2(10) of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act)"; and (2) by striking "latter organization" and inserting "World Trade Organization (as defined in section 2(8) of that Act)". (f) NOAA FLEET MODERNIZATION ACT. — Section 607(b)(8) of the NOAA Fleet Modernization Act (33 U.S.C. 891e(b)(8)) is amended by striking "Agreement on Interpretation" and all that follows through "trade negotiations" and inserting "Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures referred to in section 101(d)(12) of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act, or any other export subsidy prohibited by that agreement". (g) ENERGY POLICY ACT OF 1992. —<1) Section 1011(b) of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 2296b(b)) is amended— (A) by striking "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade" and inserting "multilateral trade agreements (as defined in section 2(4) of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act)"; and (B) by striking "United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement" and inserting "North American Free Trade Agreement". (2) Section 1017(c) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 2296b-6(c)) is amended— (A) by striking "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade" and inserting "multilateral trade agreements (as defined in section 2(4) of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act)"; and