Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 113 Part 1.djvu/594

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113 STAT. 570 PUBLIC LAW 106-65—OCT. 5, 1999 is currently provided to the Department by the non-Federal entities referred to in subsection (a), except for the number of direct and indirect work year equivalents associated with Department of Defense contracts, identified by contract number, to the extent this information is available to the contractor from existing data collection systems. SEC. 344. EVALUATION OF TOTAL SYSTEM PERFORMANCE RESPONSI- BILITY PROGRAM. Deadline. (a) REPORT REQUIRED.— Not later than February 1, 2000, the Secretary of the Air Force shall submit to Congress a report identifying all Air Force programs that— (1) are currently managed under the Total System Performance Responsibility Program or similar programs; or (2) are presently planned to be managed using the Total System Performsmce Responsibility Program or a similar program. (b) EVALUATION.— As part of the report required by subsection (a), the Secretary of the Air Force shall include an evaluation of the following: (1) The manner in which the Total System Performance Responsibility Program and similar programs support the readiness and warflghting capability of the Armed Forces and complement the siipport of the logistics depots. (2) The effect of the Total System Performance Responsibility Program and similar programs on the maintenance of core Government logistics management skills. (3) The process and criteria used by the Air Force to determine whether Government employees or the private sector should perform sustainment management functions. Deadline. (c) COMPTROLLER GENERAL REVIEW.— Not later than 30 days after the date on which the report required by subsection (a) is submitted to Congress, the Comptroller General shall review the report and submit to Congress a briefing evaluating the report. SEC. 345. SENSE OF CONGRESS REGARDING PROCESS FOR MOD- ERNIZATION OF ARMY COMPUTER SERVICES. (a) PURPOSE OF MODERNIZATION.— It is the sense of Congress that any modernization of computer services (also known as the Army Wholesale Logistics Modernization Program) of the Army Communications Electronics Command of the Army Materiel Command to replace the systems currently provided by the Logistics Systems Support Center in St. Louis, Missouri, and the Industrial Logistics System Center in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, should have as a primary goal the sustainment of military readiness. (b) USE OF STANDARD INDUSTRY INTEGRATION PRACTICES.— It is the sense of Congress that, in order to sustain readiness, any contract for the modernization of the computer services referred to in subsection (a), in addition to containing all of the requirements specified by the Secretary of the Army, should require the use of standard industry integration practices to provide further readiness risk mitigation. (c) PROPOSED CONTRACTOR PRACTICES.—It is the sense of Congress that the following practices should be employed by any contractor engaged in the modernization of the computer services referred to in subsection (a) to ensure continued readiness: (1) TESTING PRACTICES.—Before any proposed modernization solution is implemented, the solution should be rigorously