Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 113 Part 1.djvu/604

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113 STAT. 580 PUBLIC LAW 106-65 —OCT. 5, 1999 SEC. 372. AUTHORITY FOR DISBURSING OFFICERS TO SUPPORT USE OF AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINES ON NAVAL VESSELS FOR FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS. Section 3342 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: "(f) With respect to automated teller machines on naval vessels, the authority of a disbursing official of the United States Government under subsection (a) also includes the following: "(1) The authority to provide operating funds to the automated teller machines. "(2) The authority to accept, for safekeeping, deposits and transfers of funds made through the automated teller machines.". 10 USC 113 note. SEC. 373. USE OF SMART CARD TECHNOLOGY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. (a) DEPARTMENT OF NAVY AS LEAD AGENCY.— The Department of the Navy shall serve as the lead agency for the development and implementation of a Smart Card program for the Department of Defense. (b) COOPERATION OF OTHER MILITARY DEPARTMENTS.— The Department of the Army and the Department of the Air Force shall each establish a project office and cooperate with the Department of the Navy to develop implementation plans for exploiting the capability of Smart Card technology as a means for enhancing readiness and improving business processes throughout the military departments. (c) SENIOR COORDINATING GROUP.— (1) Not later than November 30, 1999, the Secretary of Defense shall establish a senior coordinating group to develop and implement— (A) Department-wide interoperability standards for use of Smart Card technology; and (B) a plan to exploit Smart Card technology as a means for enhancing readiness and improving business processes. (2) The senior coordinating group shall be chaired by a representative of the Secretary of the Navy and shall include senior representatives from each of the Armed Forces and such other persons as the Secretary of Defense considers appropriate. (3) Not later than March 31, 2000, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives a report containing a detailed discussion of the progress made by the senior coordinating group in carrying out its duties. (d) ROLE OF DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICE. —The senior coordinating group established under subsection (c) shall report to and receive guidance from the Department of Defense Chief Information Office. (e) INCREASED USE TARGETED TO CERTAIN NAVAL REGIONS.— Not later than November 30, 1999, the Secretary of the Navy shall establish a business plan to implement the use of Smart Cards in one major Naval region of the continental United States that is in the area of operations of the United States Atlantic Command and one major Naval region of the continental United States that is in the area of operations of the United States Pacific Command. The regions selected shall include a major fleet concentration area. The implementation of the use of Smsirt Cards in each region shall cover the Navy and Marine Corps bases and Deadlines. Establishment. Reports.